



I love listening to my great-grandma's stories, so I didn't object when she started to tell me a story about one of her strange experiences over a glass of iced tea…


My Great-Great Grand-dad died in 1918 at the age of 48 when he fell off of a galloping horse. My Great Grandma was only 17 when this happened. The story goes that at the get together after the funeral, a strange man showed up. No one had seen him at the funeral, or anytime else for that matter. He stayed for a long time, hardly talking to anybody, and refusing to take off his coat and hat. When my Great-Great aunt pointed out to this man that, for the life of her, she could not recall who he was, he became absolutely livid and ran from the house. You can imagine how strange this seemed to everybody.


Curiosity got the best of Great grandma and she decided to follow this strange man outside to see where he had gone. She stepped outside and proceeded out into the middle of the yard, but she stopped short because the strangest sight met her eyes…the man was standing quietly on the roof of the barn, just about 5 yards away, illuminated only by the moonlight. She remembers that he had an unnatural gleam to his eyes, and when the clouds passed over the moon, and the night was pitch black, that gleam remained.



My mom's side of the family is Irish. So my grandma would tell me stories about my great-grandpa who was from Ireland. Just small stories, such as the fact that he had a musical ear and could play almost every instrument. (I wish it passed on through the family.) I've always been into paranormal things, so I would always ask her if he had encountered anything out of the ordinary throughout his life. Her memory was vague, so she asked her sister Mary, and Mary reminded her of his banshee incidents back in County Cork Ireland.


My grandma explained to me what Mary had remembered her father telling her as a kid. A banshee, before I go on, is an Irish myth. A ghost that protects an Irish family throughout eternity without showing itself, unless someone in the family dies. Since the banshee can predict the future, it knows who is going to die beforehand. So it mourns under the moonlight, with cries more like the wind and shows itself to someone in the family (preferably the one who isn't going to die). It gets so sad because it is a part of the family.


So anyway, when my great grandpa was a kid he would ride home on a horse, back in Ireland, through the fields from school dances. So once in a while his horse would stop dead in its tracks, because you know animals can sense things people can't. My great grandpa would tell it to trudge on, but it wouldn't budge


So then my great grandpa would feel the coldness of ghosts and would hear the banshee's wail, and my Aunt Mary recalled him saying that the banshee's wail is the worst. Then the wailing and the touch of the ghosts would pass on and his horse would move again. That was all my aunt Mary could remember.


Now since my grandpa had seen and heard the banshees, I'm beginning to think we may have a banshee in our family. But not just because of my great grandpa, but because of my mom as well.


When my mom was nine, she woke up in the middle of the night to look outside the window into the backyard. Glittering in the moonlight, she saw a woman weeping. My mom could hear her cries and said they were more like the wind (she told me this before I read that most banshees cries ARE more like the wind). She also said that the woman was floating above their swimming pool and her appearance was unexplainable. My mom claimed that this woman looked young, but seemed as if she had lived for many years and was an old spirit. She also said that the woman had fair flowing hair. After a while of staring, my mom just lay her head back down on the pillow and drifted off to sleep.


Then I think one or two weeks later, my mom's grandparents died – in the same week. Coincidence? I wonder if I'm going to see one.



I worked in my local pub and over the weekends and some times during the week I would stay over there with the other bar manager. We shared a room. It wasn't strange to us to hear things at night. Sometimes the juke box would come on; sometimes you could hear voices and laughter coming from the bar. I used to like hearing that, as if those people who had really enjoyed coming to the pub still liked to pop in for a late drink!


Every morning, no matter how much you had scrubbed and polished the bar top the night before, you would find three water marks, as if the landlord and two regulars had stayed and had a drink together. Then other things started happening.


When I was in the bathroom there would be knocks on the door. I would call out but get no answer, and sometimes find there had been no one upstairs but me. I would hear running footsteps and a child's laughter. The sash window in the room I stayed in would never close fully and condensation used to build up on my full length mirror. In the morning you could see two small hand prints at the bottom of the mirror. Again, these occurrences didn't bother me; in fact it was quite comforting.


At night I would sometimes feel someone get into bed with me and feel two little hands in the small of my back. However, things started happening that DID bother me.

到了晚上,我有时会觉得有人钻到了我的被窝里面,能感到有两只小手在背后摸我的腰部。 (这也算不了什么),但是,这之后发生的事情真的让我感到不安。

After locking up one night I and the other bar manager were cleaning up. Now, in the ladies toilets there was a door that opened up into a courtyard, however no one had ever found the key. As I was checking out the toilets, I saw the door handle move. I thought someone had managed to get into the courtyard and called to my friend to look through the window. He didn't see anyone. Then the door handle started moving much more violently and I ran out to my friend.


We both watched through the window as an unseen hand rattled the door handle. We took off upstairs quite quickly, put all the lights on and slept in the living room that night. I hated having to go to the toilet at night from that point on.


The bathroom was at the end of corridor and I would always feel as if something was walking right behind me. I once saw a tall, dark shadow walk around the corner and into the kitchen, but there was no one there. I started to feel scared to be upstairs on my own.


Downstairs, in the bar, it had a much more friendly atmosphere, but upstairs felt oppressive and claustrophobic. One night I woke up to find my sash window open and the tall figure standing on the balcony, looking out across the town. It then jumped off the rooftop. The child I had sensed, in such a comforting way, now began to scare me too. It was a little girl, and it seemed that with the appearance of this dark man she became intensely scared. I would see her standing in the doorway screaming while the black shadow approached behind her. I would hear cries and screams in the dead of night. My friend ended up pulling down the old fireplace that had been bricked up in the room we shared. That did it for I sensed something dreadful in the entire pub after he did that. I never worked or stayed there again.



One cold winter night, early in the New Year, a certain Dutchman left the tavern in Tarrytown and started walking to his home in the hollow nearby. His path led next to the old Sleepy Hollow cemetery where a headless Hessian soldier was buried. At midnight, the Dutchman came within site of the graveyard. The weather had warmed up during the week, and the snow was almost gone from the road. It was a dark night with no moon, and the only light came from his lantern.


The Dutchman was nervous about passing the graveyard, remembering the rumors of a galloping ghost that he had heard at the tavern. He stumbled along, humming to himself to keep up his courage. Suddenly, his eye was caught by a light rising from the ground in the cemetery. He stopped, his heart pounding in fear. Before his startled eyes, a white mist burst forth from an unmarked grave and formed into a large horse carrying a headless rider.


The Dutchman let out a terrible scream as the horse leapt toward him at a full gallop. He took to his heels, running as fast as he could, making for the bridge since he knew that ghosts and evil spirits did not care to cross running water. He stumbled suddenly and fell, rolling off the road into a melting patch of snow. The headless rider thundered past him, and the man got a second look at the headless ghost. It was wearing a Hessian commander's uniform.


The Dutchman waited a good hour after the ghost disappeared before crawling out of the bushes and making his way home. After fortifying himself with schnapps, the Dutchman told his wife about the ghost. By noon of the next day, the story was all over Tarrytown. The good Dutch folk were divided in their opinions. Some thought that the ghost must be roaming the roads at night in search of its head. Others claimed that the Hessian soldier rose from the grave to lead the Hessian soldiers in a charge up nearby Chatterton Hill, not knowing that the hill had already been taken by the British.


Whatever the reason, the Headless Horseman continues to roam the roads near Tarrytown on dark nights from that day to this.








