



This year’s summer Olympic Games are being held in Rio De Janeiro .

今年的夏季奥运会是在 里约热内卢 举办的。

It is estimated that 500,000 visitors will come to Brazil to support their country during the Olympics.

据估计50万旅客会来到 巴西 看奥运会,并支持这项盛会。

The Olympic torch will have traveled 20,000 kilometers before it reaches it’s destination in Rio .

奥运 火炬 会经过2万公里才能到它的目的地: 里约热内卢 。

During the 2012 Olympics in London, China won 38 gold medals, 29 silver medals, and 21 bronze medals.


The USA has the best Olympic basketball team. Who can beat them?


China usually dominates in gymnastics, ping pong, and badminton.

中国体操队,乒乓球队,和羽毛球队一直 超级厉害 。

Who will be the breakout star of this summer’s Olympics?

谁会变成今年奥运会的 突围之星 ?

I don’t understand why people think that fencing and the javelin throw are interesting. Besides, they both look a little dangerous to me.

我不太理解为什么人觉得 剑术 和 掷标枪 是有意思的。另外,对我来说它们都看起来有一点危险。

My favorite event to watch is diving .

我最喜欢看的比赛是 跳水 。

Many people say that Usain Bolt is the fastest man on earth.


I used to run the 4x100 meter relay race when I was in high school, but I often dropped the baton.

我在高中的时候我跑了4x100米接力赛,但是我经常不小心把 接力棒 掉下了。

This year they’ve dropped baseball, but added golf to the list of events.


The Americans have an average track and field team.


The world record pole vault jump is 6.16 meters. I hope to see that record broken this year.


Many Russian athletes were banned from this year’s Olympics because of doping .

今年很多来自俄国的运动员被禁止参赛了,因为发现到他们用过 兴奋剂 。

I wonder how many gold medals Michael Phelps will win this year in swimming?



Competition can win gold, civilization cannot be blank

August 6, the Rio Olympics set to start in the maracana stadium as scheduled, compared with the previous Olympic Games, this is full of drama, "wrong version", and more funny. Among them, the Australian men's swimming athlete horton on Chinese male swimming contestant sun of mounting "a garbage operation" against Chinese people angry, frequently is alternative "world record" of the birth of the Olympic Games.

Hungary in Athens katinka hosszu in women's 400 m individual medley, world record will flow behind, without controversy in strength to win people's attention and applause. Horton, in contrast, in the 400 m freestyle final pool, although the title, but the mean performance before the game after the surprising. Many times he deliberately contestant sun provocation insult for China, with endless stimulus opponents interfere shady practices and modern sports culture.

In fact, from a certain level, each participating athletes of the Olympic Games are a country's individual sports ambassador, go abroad on behalf of their own countries, verbal communication on behalf of the nation's image. Because love together, we could challenge themselves in the Olympics, witness "human, swim fastest, strongest and fastest skill's pure miracle". Obviously, holden manner with "mutual understanding, friendship, unity and fair play" of the Olympic spirit, ridicule and clap brick is natural.

A life without if, things only causes. Somebody else can't upbringing, we don't lose poise. Competitive game, perhaps only a gold medal, but all athletic participants of spiritual civilization, but absolutely can't afford to lose gold.








The Olympic Games are held every four years in a different city in the world. Athletes from different countries compete in a variety of sports which are divided into winter and sum mer games.


The Olympics began in Greece more than 2 700 years ago. The first recorded Olympic competition was held in 776 B. C. It was held in an outdoor stadium and about forty thousand people watched the event. The first thirteen Olympics consisted of only one race running. The games had been held regularly for about 1 200 years. Then, in the year 397 the Olympics were prohibited by the Roman Emporor.

奥运会起源于2 700多年前的希腊。第一次有记载的奥运会竞赛举办于公元前776年。比赛是在露天体育场进行的,大约有4万人观

