



I traveled through time last week.


Okay, all I really did was clean out a closet. But what I found took me back nearly three decades, to a day I never could quite explain.


The envelope was worn and the letter dog-eared and cnimpled. It was written in pencil by a passionate young soldier who looked like Richard Gere. It was written to me.


Mark was on an airplane when he wrote it, leaving Oregon for his Army post on the eastern seaboard. In simple, transparent words, he put his heart on paper, and mailed it off to me.


He planned to talk with my dad and come to an "understanding". Mark was an optimist. It would've taken a diplomat to resolve their difference. Mark and my father were

both soldiers. Neither was a diplomat.


As I read the letter, I closed my eyes and began to journey back.


And then, quietly, it was that day once more:


Several weeks had passed since I'd received the letter from Mark. I was at work at a small accounting firm. At midday, I climbed into my car to drive home for lunch. I backed out of the long lane, which ran past the parking lot for a local cocktail lounge. Suddenly, my breath caught in my throat. There Mark sat, on his beloved motorcycle.


But it couldn't be Mark, he'd left on a plane. So I didn't stop, because I knew I had to be seeing things, but still, I couldn't keep myself from looking back.


All logic shouted no. it was an incredible imitation-right down to the resolute jaw, the smoldering look in his eyes, the exact color of his hair, and, of course, the motorcycle.


It couldn't be him. But my stare was locked, and I saw Mark looking so intently at me, so strangely sad.


I looked out the window all through lunch, expecting a motorcycle to boil into the drive with a furious Mark abroad. I expected a tongue-lashing for not even stopping to talk. Even as I expected all that, my practical mind dutifully reminded me that it could not have been my young wild-hearted love.


When I drove back to work, the young man and his motorcycle were gone. After work, I hurried home, thinking there might be a message from him. It didn't make sense, but I still expected it.


My father met me at the door with three words. "Mark is dead." I felt my legs go weak and my head began to spin.


"He was killed in a traffic accident." It happened that day, he said, in south Carolina.


My heart broke, and my tears fell like rain on the hard concrete of the driveway.


Because I had lost him.


Because I had seen him.


Because I had passed him by.


Although Mark and my father never did reach their understanding, I now visit them in the same Cemetery in Portland-a very honorable place for two soldiers to be.


Even rugged soldiers need flowers sometimes. So I bring them. And I remember.




On the next day the businessman, as always, threw out "the otter is still waiting, Miss!"


Sitting in front of him, Reny asked: "how much?"in a business manner.


The man turned red. He hadn't expected her question, but still he managed to utter coolly:"1000 dollars!’


She had never seen so much money at one time Why ever not'' Still, she decided to take a risk;"2000"


“Agreed”He nodded after a brief thinking and asked when.


"Tonight. After work. I finish at 12," she whispered and bowed down her head.


"My chauffer will wait for you outside, ok?"


She nodded and stood up, made for the har, her legs shaking with agitation. She grasped the plot with both hands and closed her eyes。


"Did that guy insult you, sweetie?'" the barman whispered and fingered the bathe always kept by his side, placed in the corner.


No she answered. avoiding his eyes.


When, in the evening she had completed the polishing of the tables, she glanced at the clock on the wall--15 minutes had passed after midnight. She nodded goodbye to the barman and left.

晚上收拾完桌子,瑞妮膘了一眼墙上的钟—已经午夜12 : 15了,她和男招待员道别后就走了.

The white Mercedes waited her before the entrance. The chauffeur, standing by the Car, immediately opened the rear door for her. With Before turning the ignition switch, he turned back the speed of lightning, he sat behind the wheel and handed her a big envelope.


"For you”


Surprised, Reny took Lhe envelope. ller fingers felt it impatiently. Banknotes, a lot of banknotes!


She didn't realize when the car had driven off. or when it stopped. She sat on the back seat, pressing theTrembling, envelope to her breast. The chauffeur quickly sprang out of the car and opened hershe climbed out and looked around--but, for some reason, the car had parked in door. front of her own block, she screwed up her eyes in surprise, and turned towards the chauffeur, her brow’s rising questioningly.


