


Most of us will probably admit to the occasional littlewhite lie. But in fact, more than one in three peopletell at least one lie every day.

And it turns out that the fairer sex are the biggestfibbers of all. According to a survey, a shocking fourin five women tell lies on a daily basis.




Some women even admit to doing so as many as 30 times a day – the equivalent of twiceevery waking hour, a survey has revealed.


This compares with two out of five men who said they tended to tell lies every day.


Fortunately the picture is not as bleak as the statistics imply. People said they mainly shiedaway from telling the truth to avoid hurting other people's feelings.


The biggest reason they lied was to ‘make someone feel better' (55 per cent). This was followedby ‘to not get into trouble' (32 per cent) and one in four put it down to the fact that ‘life iscomplicated'. ‘Proving a point' and ‘saving face' were also common reasons to skirt around thetruth.


Around 2,000 people were questioned for the poll commissioned by insurance companyPrivilege. And researchers found a common theme running through people's lies.


No one likes to leave a plateful of food when invited to a dinner party, and ‘saying you enjoyeda friend or relative's cooking' when you might not have was the number one reason for lying(42 per cent).


People also commonly fib about their job, their salary or their weight. And they regularlypretend to share a hobby with someone they are trying to impress.


However, perhaps fortunately, most of our lies are relatively harmless. Around 80 per cent saidthey only told a lie when it would not seriously hurt anyone – although one in ten said a smallfib they told had ended up hurting someone they were close to.


The research also revealed that the most popular place to lie is ‘at home'. Work and jobinterviews were the next most popular, followed by social media and CVs.


But the truth is most likely to be told in a court or doctor's surgery.


As for who we are most likely to lie to, friends are top of the list (30 per cent), followed closelyby work colleagues and partners (around one in four) and then children.


Interestingly, it is in middle-age rather than in youth that we are most likely to lie – 46 was theaverage age of people who admitted regularly telling lies.


