




跳伞 (中英

Q:Why did the blind man give up skydiving?


A:It was scaring the hell out of his dog.



拼字比赛 (中英)

A student at the National Spelling Bee had been given a particularly difficult word to spell. Apparently having some trouble knowing how to start, the student asked if he could buy a vowel.



狡猾的恶棍 (中英)

Joe Blow the aspiring young executive was late for an appointment and in the process of doubling the speed limit in his BMW when a VW beetle pulled out in front of him. He could not slow down fast enough and slammed into the beetle.


Surprisingly, the BMW was totaled while the beetle was in good shape. The driver of the compact was amused at the condition of the two cars.


The executive was so enraged that he had a hard time keeping from attacking the driver of the VW. The executive drew a large circle on the ground off to one side. He said, "You get in that circle and stay there, or I’m going to beat the shit out of you!” The executive got a tire iron out of his trunk and smashed the windshield of the beetle. The man in the circle just smiled. The executive just got madder and madder. He smashed the headlights and taillights. When he looked back, the other man was snickering to himself. This so infuriated the executive that he smashed in the hood of the beetle. The other man was laughing so hard that he could barely stand up.


Unable to stand any more, the frustrated executive tromped away. About this time a fellow in a pick up truck pulled up and offered the VW driver a ride. "What are you laughing about? He just trashed your car.” "Well",the other man said," but I have gone out of that circle three times.”



发生在院子里的怪事 (中英)

A woman with a broken ankle was gingerly hobbling along on crutches as she attempted to walk her dog. Because of her handicap, however, she was having a lot oftrouble keeping the dog under control. Finally, the dog lunged forward, the leash slipped out of her hand, and the dog went running down the street. She called and called, but the dog wouldn't come back. Since she couldn’t chase after it, she eventually gave up and went home.


A couple of hours later she heard something scratching at the door. When she went to the door she found her dog standing there with a dead rabbit in its mouth. Upon closer inspection, she realized it was the neighbors' pet rabbit. She knewshe would never be able to tell them what happened, and since they were out of town for the weekend,she hit upon a plan.



She took the rabbit into the bathroom, washed it off, and blew its fur dry. Then she took the rabbit back to the neighbors’backyard and put the rabbit back in its cage. She thought the neighbors would discover the rabbit dead and think it died in the cage. They would never suspect what really happened.


On Monday,there was a knock at the door, and when she answered,there was her neighbor standing there. He asked her if she had seen anyone in their backyard over the weekend. She said no. He said, "Did you see anything strange going on around our house or yard?" Again, she denied seeing anything suspicious. She said,"Why are you asking me these questions? What happened?" He said,"Well,something really strange is going on inmy backyard. On Friday our rabbit died, so we buried it in the backyard. But when we came back from the weekend,it was back in the cage !”


