



1. at fault (=in the wrong, blamable)有错

2. in favour of赞成

3. be in favour with受宠,受偏爱;

4. out of favour with失宠,不受宠

5. in one’s favour (=to one’s advantage)对„„有利

6. (be) favourable to (=advantageous)有利的

7. fear for (=be afraid for the safety of sb. or sth.)为„„担心

8. for fear of (=in case of; because of anxiety about)以防,由于怕

9. in fear of (=afraid for the safety of)担心

10. feed (sb.) on sth. 靠吃„„,用„„喂养

11. be fed up with (=be unhappy, tired about sth. dull)厌烦,腻了

12. feel like (=have a desire for)想要

13. fill in填写

14. fill out (=fill in)填写

15. set the world on fire = set the flames on fire (=do sth. remarkable)有突出成就

16. play with fire (=take great risks)干冒险事

17. set sth. on fire (=set fire to sth.)使„„着火,放火

18. at first sight (=when first seen)乍一看,一见

19. for the first time第一次(作状语)

20. in the first place首先,第一


1. fit into刚好放入

2. fit in with (=suit, fall into agreement)合适,相配,一致 (be)

3. fit for (=right and suitable for)适合

4. focus on (=concentrate on)集中在„„上

5. focus sth. on把„„集中在„„上

6. be fond of喜欢

7. (be) in force有效,实施

8. go into force开始生效

9. by force靠武力,强行

10. force...on把„„强加给„„

11. in the form of以„„形式

12. be fortunate in幸运,有好运气

13. free of charge免费

14. be freed from免受,没有„„

15. in front of在„„前面

16. in the front of在„„前部

17. furnish...with (=supply)向„„提供

18. in general (=in most cases, usually)通常

19. catch (or get) a glimpse of瞥见(强调结果)

20. take a glance (or look) at看„„眼(强调动作)


1. be good for对„„有好处;对„„有作用

2. be good at擅长于;be good to对„„好

3. in good time (=early)早早地(做完,到达等)

4. for good (=for ever)永远地,长期地

5. take...for granted (=assume to be true)把„„认为理所当然的

6. be grateful to sb. for sth.因„„感谢某人

7. on the ground(s) of (=because of) 由于„„

8. fall to the ground(计划,希望等)失败,落空

9. on one’s guard (against) 谨防,警惕

10. (be)on guard站岗

11. guard against (=defend,keep safe) 警惕,防止

12. guard...against警卫„„防止

13. guess at猜,估计

14. by guess靠猜

15. be guilty of犯有„„罪或过失

16. be in the habit of习惯于

17. break off (a habit)改掉(某种习惯)

18. break sb. of (a habit)使某人改掉(某习惯)

19. get (fall) into the habit of养成了„„的习惯

20. come to a halt (=stop) 停止;停住

