




The Seller agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stated below:

(1)Name of Commodity:Haier refrigerator

Product description:

(a) model number:BCD—226STV

(b)About the exterior appreance:

total volume(L):226

power comsumption(kW.h/24h):0.6

effective area of freezer:58

effective area of variable greenhouse:43

effective area of storage room:125


(c)About the function:

Fresh kept; automatic thermostat;

over-temperature alarm; led display;

individual shutdown.

Unit Price: $680 (680 dollars)per set

Quantity:1000 sets

(2)Contract Value:$680,000(six hundred and eighty dollars )

(3)Country of Origin: China

(4)Port of Shipment: Dalian,China

(5)Port of Destination: Newyork,Ameirica

(6)Time of Shipment: November 12th, 2009

(7)Packing: The goods must be properly packaged, suitable for ocean-going and long-distance land transport, moisture, shock, anti-rust resistance, rough handling, to ensure that the goods will not be damaged by the above reasons, so good to arrive safely. Any loss caused by poor packing should be born by the seller.

(8)Marks: The seller must use non-fading paint to print each box number, size, gross weight, net weight, hanging position, "this side up", "Handle with care", "keep dry" and other words.

(9) Insurance:The insurance shall be covered by the Seller under the term of CIF for 110% of the invoice value against all risks.

(10) Terms of Payment: Letter of Credit.

The buyer shall 30 days prior to shipment open an irrevocable credit contained the buyer as the payer and the seller as the beneficiary through U.S. bank. China bank should commit the credit after he received and verificated the following documents.

(a)Full set of clean on board ocean Bills of Lading made out to Great World Store and blank endorsed marked freight to collect;

(b)Commercial lnvoice;

(c) The Inspection Certificate of Quality issued by CCIC of China;

(d)Certificate of Origin;

(e)Notice of Shipment.

(11)Terms of Shipment:

(a)The seller must notify the buyer name of the booking vessel and itstransportation routes 40 days before sail, for the buyer to confirm.

(b)The seller must notify the buyer expected time of delivery, contract number, invoice amount, the number and the shipment weight and size of each piece 20 days before shipment.

(C) The seller must notify the buyer of goods, quantity, gross weight, invoice amount, name of the vessel, and departure dates by telegraph/telex within 48 hours after shipment.

(d) If any piece of cargo to meet or exceed the weight of 10 tons, 15meters long , 10 meters wide, the seller shall 50 days before shipment provide the buyer with five copies of detailed packing drawing, indicating detailed size and weight, so that the buyer can arrange inland transport.

(e)Transhipment and Partial shipment are both not allowed.

(12) Inspection:

(a)The seller must test the quality of goods, specification and quantity fully and accurately, and issue a quality certificate to prove that the delivery is in accordance with the relevant provisions of the contract , but this certificate is not the fianl basis toprove quality of the goods, specifications, performance, and number .The seller should attach the written report contained inspection details and results of tests to the quality manual.

(b)After the goods arrive at the port of destination, the buyer must apply to the U.S. Commodity Inspection Bureau for inspecting the quality of goods, specification and quantity , and issue a certificate of inspection. If you find that the quality, specification and quantity do not match with the contract, in addition to which insurance companies or ship shall be responsible for, the buyer has the right to refuse accepting the goods and claim to the seller,within 7 days after arrival at the port of destination .

(c) If the inspection certificate can not be settled within the validity period of the contract for some unforeseen reasons, the buyer should telephone the seller to extend the inspection period for 3 days.


(a) Within 3 days from the date of the arrival of the goods at the final destination,if the quality,specification,quantity and packing of the goods are found not in conformity with the stipulations of this contract,the Buyer shall give a notice of claims to the Seller within the above mentioned time limit and have the right to lodge claims .

(b)Considering the result from the defect of the goods ,the Buyer has the right to bring the claims for their damages against the Seller. The Seller shall undertake to make the compensation for claims,except those for which the insurrance company should undertake the obligations.

(14)Force Majeuer:

(a)If any contracting party could not fulfill the contract by resistance of force majeure, the period of time for compliance should be extended accordingly.

(b) Hindered side should telegraph the other in the force majeure and termination , and deliever the Certificate issued by the competent bodies of the accident to the other for recognition by registered air mail within 14 days after the accident.

(C)IF force majeure event continues more than 120 days, the other party have the right to send written notice by registered air mail, asking a party to terminate the contract,and notification come to effect immediately.

(15)Law Application:

(a)It will be governed by the law of the People's Republic of China under the circumstances that the contract is signed or the goods while the disputes arising are in the People's Republic of China or the defendant is Chinese legal person, otherwise it is governed by United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods.

(b)The terms in the contract are based on INCOTERMS 1990 of the International Chamber of Commerce.


(a)All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled friendly through negotiations.

(b)In case no settlement can be reached, the case shall then be submitted for arbitration to China International Economic And Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with the provisional Rules of Procedures promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission.

(c)The arbitration shall take place in Beijing and the decision of the Arbitration Commission shall be final and binding upon both parties; neither party shall seek recourse to a law court nor other authorities to appeal for revision of the decision.

(d)Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.

(17)Additional terms:

This contract shall come to effect since being signed/sealed by both parties.Each party holds one copy.

Representative of the sellers: 潘米

Representative of the buyers: George sullivan


国际贸易International Trade

世界贸易World Trade

对外贸易Foreign Trade

国外贸易External Trade

海外贸易Oversea Trade

区域贸易Inter-regional Trade

南北贸易South-North Trade

南南贸易South-South Trade

国际贸易额Value of International Trade

进出口贸易额Value of Exports and Imports

国际贸易差额Balance of Trade

国际贸易量Quantum of International Trade

贸易依存度Degree of Dependence on Foreign Trade 贸易条件Trade Terms

出口贸易Export Trade

进口贸易Import Trade

转口贸易Entrepot Trade

过境贸易Transit Trade

复出口贸易Re-export Trade

复进口贸易Re-import Trade

总贸易General Trade

专门贸易Special Trade

有形商品贸易Tangible Goods Trade

无形商品贸易Intangible Goods Trade

直接贸易Direct Trade

间接贸易Indirect Trade

双边贸易Bilateral Trade

三角贸易Triangular Trade

多边贸易Multilateral Trade

现汇贸易Spot Exchange Trade

记账贸易Clearing Account Trade

易货贸易Barter Trade

陆路贸易Trade by Roadway

海陆贸易Trade by Seaway

空运贸易Trade by Airway

邮购贸易Trade by Mail Order







《关于与贸易相关的知识产权包括对冒牌货贸易的协议》TRIPs 进口税Import Duties

普遍优惠制(普惠制)Generalized System of Preference(GSP)

出口税Export Duties

过境税Transit Duties

进口附加税Import Surtaxes

反补贴税Counter vailing Duty

反倾销税Anti-Dumping Duty

差价税Variable Duties

滑动关税Sliding Duty

从量税Specific Duties

从价税Ad Valorem Duties

混合税Mixed or Compound Duties

选择税Alternative Duties

海关税则Customs Tariff

通关手续Procedure of Apply to the Customs

非关税壁垒Non-Tariff Barriers(NTBS)

进口配额Import Quotas

绝对配额Absolute Quotas

全球配额Global Quotas or Unallocated Quotas

国别配额Country Quotas

关税配额Tariff Quotas

“自动”出口配额制(又称“自动”限制出口)(自限制)“Voluntary”Export Quotas 进口许可证制Import License System

外汇管制Foreign Exchange Control

进口和出口的国家垄断State Monopoly

政府采购政策Discriminatory Government Procurement Policy

国内税Internal Taxes

最低限价Minimum Price

禁止进口Prohibitive Import

进口押金制Advanced Deposit

海关估价制度Customs Valuation


出口信贷Export Credit

卖方信贷Supplier’s Credit

买方信贷Buyer’s Credit

出口信贷国家担保Export Credit Guarantee System

出口补贴Export Subsidies


外汇倾销Exchange Dumping

促进出口的组织措施Organizing Measures to Export Promotion

自由港Free Port

自由贸易区Free Trade Zone

出口加工区Export Processing Zone

保税区Bonded Area

自由边境区Free Perimeter

过境区Transit Zone

商品名称(品名)Name of Commodity

货物描述Description of Goods

国际标准化组织International Organization of Standardization(ISO) 实际品质Actual Quality


凭样品买卖Sale by Sample

凭卖方样品买卖Sale by Seller’s Sample

品质以卖方样品为准Quality as per Seller’s Sample

留样Keep Sample

复样Duplicated Sample

凭买方样品买卖Sale by Buyer’s Sample

凭对等样品买卖Sale by Counter Sample

确认样品Confirming Sample


商品的等级Grade of Goods

凭等级买卖Sale by Grade

凭标准买卖Sale by Standard

良好平均品质Fair Average Quality(FAQ)

上好可销品质Good Merchantable Quality(GMQ)

凭说明书和图样买卖Sale by Descriptions and Illustrations


商标Trade Mark

凭产地名称买卖Sale by Name of Origin



品质公差Quality Tolerance







毛重Gross Weight

净重Net Weight

以毛作净Gross for Net

公量Condition Weight

理论重量Theoretical Weight

法定重量Legal Weight

实物净重Net Weight

数量机动幅度Quantity Allowance

溢短装条款More or Less Clause

增减条款Plus or Minus Clause


散装货Bulk Cargo,Cargo in Bulk 裸装货Nude Cargo

运输标记(唛头)Shipping Mark

指示性标记(操作标志)Indicative Mark 警告性标志Warning Mark

中性包装Neutral Packing

适合海运包装Sea-worthy Packing 习惯包装Customary Packing

贸易术语Trade Terms












计价货币Money of Account

支付货币Money of Payment

净价Ney Price



数量折扣Quantity Discount

特别折扣Special Discount

单价Unit Price

总值Total Amount

海洋运输Ocean Transport

班轮运输Liner Transport

船期表Sailing Schedule

班轮运费Liner Freight

租船运输Charter Transport

定程租船Voyage Charter

定期租船Time Charter

光船租船Bare Boat Charter

铁路运输Rail Transport

航空运输Air Transport

班机运输Airline Transport

包机运输Chartered Carrier Transport 集中托运Consolidation Transport 航空急件传送Air Express Service 公路运输Road Transport

