





The bright moonlight showed the Taj Mahal in all its glory.


He grew up in the country, but then found he preferred the bright lights.


He is not bright, but he always works hard.


What a nice bright day!


The guard blew his whistle,waved his bright green flag.


Foresight tells us that China has a bright future.

远瞻未来, 中国有着光明的前途。


It's a dark and moonless night.


He ran against a lamp post in the dark.


Reading in the dark is bad for the eyes.


She bumped into me in the dark. 她在黑暗中冲撞在我身上。

She felt about in the dark. 她在黑暗中摸索着走。

The robber jumped on me in the dark. 强盗在黑暗中向我猛扑过来。

I thought I heard someone following me, and glancing round, I caught sight of adark figure in the shadows. 我觉得我听到了有人跟随我的声音,便环视四周,发现黑暗中有一个人影。

We lost the way in the dark. 我们在黑暗中迷路。

The room was dark and I bumped (my head) against [on] the door. 屋子里很黑,我(的头)碰到了门上。

That each one of us is capable of both the dark and the light, of good and evil, ofeither, of all. 我们中的每一个人都可能既是黑暗也是光明、既是好人也是坏人、什么都不是抑或什么都是。

Yes, America has only one president at a time, but in the dark winter of 1932, it was almost as though America had no president at all. 是的,美国在一个时期只有一个总统,但是在最为黑暗的1932年冬天,美国差不多就像一个总统也没有。

So, the question is not if you'll go through dark times in life, but when you'll go through them. 所以,问题的关键不在于你是否要经历人生中的黑暗时期,而在于你什么时候能穿越苦难。

Now we have mid tones but no light and dark tones. 现在我们有中色调但是没有浅色调和暗色调。

In the photo above, the moon rises over one of the dark ivory towers. 在上面的照片中,月亮高高地挂在一个昏暗的“象牙塔”上面。

But I hope that these suggestions will lessen your pain when dark thoughts are all around you. 但是,我希望我这些建议能够使你减轻当忧郁的想法围绕你的时候的痛苦。

So that is a very important factor, along with they also like to be in the dark. 所以钻洞是非常重要的一点。 其次它们还喜欢生活在黑暗的环境中。

We have been through a dark and painful chapter in our history. 我们已经经过了我们历史上黑暗和痛苦的一章。

During that time, the staff waits in the dark. 在此期间,工作人员只能在黑暗中等待。

Let me think that there is one among those stars that guides my life through thedark unknown. 让我设想 , 在群星之中 ,有一颗星是指导着我的生命通过不可知的黑暗的 .

We can put through the job before dark. 我们能够在天黑以前完成这件工作。

I CLASP your hands, and my heart plunges into the dark of your eyes, seekingyou, who ever evade me behind words and silence. 我紧握你的双手,我的心跳进你那双黑眼睛的深潭里;我在寻找你,你沉默着不说话,永远躲避我的追求。

No, it was really Pandora; there were her small dark feet in loose sandals firmly planted on the platform below. How did she get there before him? 真是的潘多拉.她那双暗色的小脚穿着双宽松的凉鞋 正稳稳地站在下面的站台上.她是如何在他之前赶到这儿的?

Instead, I looked into the dark for what others had overlooked. 相反的,我在黑暗中寻找到了别人一直所忽视的东西。

