



There once was an old farmer. He was a hardworking man, so every year his harvest was very great.

One day, he became sick. He knew he would die soon. He wanted his two sons to look after the farm. "Long ago," he told them, "I put a great treasure in one of the vineyards."

After the farmer died, the sons began to dig carefully around the vines. Every day, they woke up early and worked until night. "We have to dig everywhere and find the treasure!" they said.

The two sons dug all summer, but they didn't find the treasure. They were tired and sad. They sat down near the fields and talked one day.

"Maybe our father was only dreaming," said the older son. The younger son was looking at the vineyards. The vines were full of big, juicy grapes. Suddenly, he understood. "Brother, this great harvest is our treasure!"

The older brother looked at the vines. "You're right! Our father has taught us a wonderful lesson: Hard work brings great rewards."


An old woman lost her sight and called a doctor for help. She said, "If you heal me, I will give you a large sum of money." And she said this in front of many people.

The doctor agreed, and he came every day to put medicine in her eyes. But each time he came, he stole something from her house.

Finally, he stole all of her valuable things. Then he gave her new medicine and healed her.When he was done, he demanded that she give him the money.

But the woman saw that her things were gone, and said no.

The doctor brought a judge to the woman's house. He thought, "I will certainly win such a simple case."

The judge asked the woman, "Did you promise to give him money." The doctor said, "She did. Many people heard."

The woman said sadly, "It is true," and the doctor smiled.

But then she said, "Before I lost my sight, though, I saw valuable things in my house. Many people also saw them. But now I don't see them. So the doctor has not really healed my eyes."

The judge decided that the woman was right.


A child was careless Ramie stabbed, he rushed home and told his mother: "I only lightly Pengyi what, it was my painful thorns." Mom said: "Because of this, it will thorn you. if the next time you met Ramie, to a

courageous and seize it, it will be in your hands become soft as silk, you will no longer be stabbed. "

