



Belling the Cat

All the mice met together in a council against a fierce cat. "We cannot live because of the cat. There must be some ideas to get rid of it." "Please tell us your ideas."

But despite the enthusiastic discussion, they were unable to come up with a good idea. The oldest mouse advised the other mice, "It would be nice if someone let us know when the cat is coming." Having no good ideas, they were just studying each other's facial expressions.

At that time, the youngest mouse confidently said, "If we tie a bell around the cat's neck, we will know when the cat is approaching so we can run away." Everyone agreed to the young mouse's opinion.

Then, the leader mouse replied, "That is a good idea. If we tie a bell to the cat, we will be able to run away in advance. But, who is going to tie a bell to the cat?"

After hearing the leader, all the mice became quiet. No one wanted to tie a bell to the cat. The young mouse that offered the idea slowly read the others' faces and left the meeting.


A Single-log Bridge

There were two goat villages in the woods. The goats from the upper village and those from the lower village disliked one another. One day, a goat from the upper village and that from the lower village came across each other on a single-log bridge.

A Single-log Bridge

The two goats were fighting to get by first. The goat from the lower village said, "Since I got here first, I should cross the bridge first."

Unyieldingly, the goat from the upper village replied, "Excuse me, but I got here first. I will cross the bridge first!" Both goats would not give in.

"Yo-ho! Yo-heave-ho!" They fought by butting each other with their horns. "I will never give in." "Me neither!" Both goats had their way until the end. While fighting, their horns ended up beingtangled in the other's.

At that moment, the goat from the upper village missed his step. And so the other goat also slid down the cliff. The two goats were swept away by the rough, flowing water and drifted away with the current. "Bleat! Help me!" The two goats fell off the bridge because they did not yield to the other.


A Dog and His Meat

There lived a homeless dog wandering around. Having starved all day, the dog was very hungry. 'Where can I find something to eat?'

While the dog was passing by a butcher shop, the owner was bargaining with a customer. 'Now's the time!' When the owner took his eyes off the meat, the dog stole a cut of meat and ran away.

"Stop right there!" screamed the owner. The dog ran for his life.

As he arrived in the deep and quiet woods, the dog heaved a sigh of relief. However, the dog did not put down the piece of meat in his mouth. 'If I put it down, somebody is going to take it a way, right?' The dog was looking around cautiously.

When he crossed a bridge over a river. He looked down from the bridge. 'Wait a minute! What is going on? '

There was another dog in the water, holding a piece of meat in his mouth. Moreover, that dog's meat looked a lot bigger than what he had.

'Why! That fellow has a bigger piece of meat!' The dog got angry and barked loudly, "grrr..., ruff, ruff" As he barked, the meat in his mouth fell with a splash into the river.

The flowing water carried the meat further and further away. The foolish dog regretted it, but it was too late. Having lost the meat because of his greed, the dog barked all day long on the bridge in vain.

