


单人英语故事表演稿:The Angel 天使

When a good kid dies, an angel with white wings comes down from the sky. The angelembraces the kid, and flies around everywhere showing him beautiful things. She takes him to places where there are beautiful flowers and angels sing. The kid feels so happy in the angel's arms.

"Sweet Heart, what kind of flower do you want to plant in the garden of Heaven?" The angel asked the kid. "Well, what do I plant?" The kid and the angel searched for good flowers for the garden of Heaven.

Under the angel and the boy, there was standing a delicate and beautiful rose bush. But a naughty boy was torturing the rose bush. "Angel, Let's plant the rose bush over there in the garden."

The angel kissed the good kid's head. "Yes, you are right. Let's bring the bush and plant it in the garden." The angel held the rose bush and the kid in her arms and tried to go back to the garden of heaven.

On the ground were piles of garbage and dust. Broken pieces of plates, an abandoned flowerpot and rootless wild flowers were all over the ground. The kid said, "Angel, let's take the wild flowers, too." The good kid embraced the wild flowers in his arms.

Then, the angel talked to him sadly, "A little boy who is very sick is living in the basement. He has been staying in his bed because of his sickness, since he was a little baby. He can not see any sunlight and has to stay in his room."

"Angel, let's meet the boy before we go back to Heaven." The baby asked her. "What's wrong?" "You'll see."

The angel went to the small basement room with the kid, rose bush and the wild flower. The sick boy kept coughing in the dark room alone. "Ah! I wish I could walk and run outside, and I want to see the beautiful flowers too." He seemed dizzy and went back to his bed leaning on the wall.

"Angel, can I give him this rose bush and the wild flowers? These are the only things I have." He asked the angel. "Then, what are we going to plant in the garden of Heaven?"

"There are lots of beautiful flowers in the garden. The garden will still be beautiful without this rose bush and the wild flowers." The angel was impressed by the kid's warm heart. "Ok, Let's give these flowers to him."

The angel gave the sick boy bright sunlight and the cool breeze. And then she also planted the rose bush and the wild flowers. The sick boy cried for joy.

The angel and the kid went back to Heaven. The angel told the story about what had happened to God. "What a nice kid! I will give you a present." He gave him a pretty pair of white wings on his back. After that, the good kid became an angel.


The Swans' Nest

A long long time ago, there were swans. The swans flew to the plains. They were called 'Lombard'. Another group of swans flew to Byzantium, and they flocked to the Emperor's crown to protect it. The swans were just like a shield to guard the Emperor.

One day, there was a scream from France. The swans flew to France with flames hanging on their wings. The French people prayed to God for help. "Oh, God. Please protect us."

There was a Danish swan standing on the green plain next to the seashore with a crown on his head. The swan handed over his crown to England. At that time, some swans used to fly up to the sky. One of them made a beautiful song with a harp. The melody echoed around to far away. That's why the mountains of Norway are still beautiful.

Another swan hit a marble rock very hard. The marble rock broke into pieces. Then, a Goddess of Beauty came out of it. And the other swan hung the people's ideas in the air with ropes. Those ropes connected one country to another so that people's knowledge and ideas could spread to the rest of the world through the ropes.

God loves the swans' nest. The swans' nest never breaks apart even when giant birds fiercely attack it because the swans will fight back all together. After a long time passes, swans will fly up to the sky from their nest, and people will watch them fly. Their beautiful songs will echo around us continuously.


The Thorny Road of Honor

Every country has great and respectable people. They teach us about battle, glory and failure in life.

"Know yourself." Socrates, who we all know, was held in contempt by many people. But he wanted to know a lot of things. Even now, he is respected by people.

"The future is in the dark." The prophet 'Homer' always worried about the future, so his hair all turned white. After a while, his eyes went blind. But he is always remembered as the greatest prophet of history. Great men have always been produced continuously.

"Have mercy on me. Please give me a penny" The great poet Camoniz was a beggar when he was young. But he has a magnificent monument of his own. If no one had given him money, he would have died from hunger.

There is another man to talk about. He stayed in prison for a long time. "I am not crazy!" He is the one who invented steam power, but he could not be recognized as a great man in his days. People said that he was crazy. The great inventor, Salomon Deco ended his life in a mental institution.

"I have found a new continent." Famous Columbus found the new Continent, but he got arrested and died in chains.

"Someday, you will find out about the new continent." He died in chains, but now he is very famous for his discovery of the American Continent.

"The earth goes around the sun." Galileo knew the earth circles the sun, but he suffered from blindness and deafness.

"Still, the earth goes around the sun." He told people the earth travels around the sun even though it got him in trouble. Everything has a painful thorny path. Tolerate and stand firm no matter what comes your way. The mere pain of the moment will turn into glory.

