



I'm happy. 我很高兴/幸福。

How's your new home? 新家怎么样?

I'm happy. 我很幸福。

I'm ecstatic. 我高兴得忘乎所以了

I'm thrilled. 我太激动了。

I'm so happy.我高兴极了。

I'm so depressed. 我很郁闷。

I feel so upset. 我觉得很沮丧。

I'm in a bad mood today. / I'm moody today. 我今天心情不好。

I feel kind of blue today. 我今天有点“郁闷”。

I feel low today. 我今天心情(有点)低落。

I'm so down. 我心情很低落。

I’m happy.我很高兴

I’m ecstatic.我高兴得忘乎所以了。

I’m thrilled.我太激动了。

I’m in heaven.我好象到了天堂。

What a lucky day!今天太走运啦!

This is too good to be true.简直让人难以置信!

I'm in a good mood today.我今天心情很好。

Ann was walking on air when she got the job.安找到了工作,正洋洋得意呢。

I’m really on cloud nine!我现在真是乐翻天了。

She was tickled pink to be given flowers.她收到鲜花高兴得要命。

I feel so happy. 我非常高兴。

I'm in heaven. 我好像到了天堂。

Yahoo!呀嗬! 表示高兴和喜悦的心情时。


Oh, boy!哇!/呀!/棒极了! 哦!这下糟了。

Wow! 表示高兴、惊喜、赞叹。“啊”。

Look at the view! 看那边的景色!

Wow! It's great. 哇!太漂亮了!

I’m glad to hear it.听到这个消息我很高兴。

I’ve never been this happy.我从没有这么高兴过。

That’s good news.真是个好消息。

I feel great.舒服极了。

I’m in a good mood today.我今天心情很好。

I’m walking on air.我高兴得飘飘欲仙。

I jumped for joy.我高兴得跳了起来。

I'm overjoyed that you can come to my party.你能来参加派对,我太开心了。

I really get a kick out of being around you.和你在一起我很愉快。

He looked like he was having the time of his life.他看上去从来没有这样开心过。


1.This is too good to be true.这简直不敢让人相信。

2. Nothing could be more wonderful.没有比这更让人高兴的了。

3. I made it!我成功了。

4. You did it.你干得不错。

5. I’m lucky.我运气好。

6. Thank heavens!谢天谢地。

7. I'm a bit down in the mouth today. 我今天有点闷闷不乐的。

8. I've been down in the dumps recently. 我最近很“郁闷”。

9. I can't put my finger on what's wrong. 我不晓得什么地方不对劲儿。

10. Sorry, I got up on the wrong side of the bed today. 抱歉,我今天心情不好。

