



Ⅰ. 根据所给的提示,选用 “too…to…”或者“…enough to…”结构填空,完成短文。

Today I read a report about a poor girl in the newspaper.

The girl, Xiaofang, lives in a family of five people in the countryside. They live in a small house. The house is (1) (tiny, them, live in). But they can’t afford to build a larger one. Xiaofang’s grandpa is (2) (old, work) in the fields. And her brother is only 2 years old. He is (3) (young, look after) himself. Xiaofang’s parents both work. They are usually (4) (busy, cook) for the family. So Xiaofang does a lot of housework every day. She says she is (5) (old, share) some housework.

Every morning, she gets up (6) (early, cook) breakfast for the family. And

every evening, she must do her homework (7) (quickly, spare) some time to wash the dishes and clothes.

Sadly, her father got seriously ill last month. The family is (8) (poor, afford) the medical treatment. Xiaofang doesn’t want to see his father die. So she left school last week and began to work in a factory. She said she was (9) (strong, carry) some paperboard boxes there.

Should Xiaofang return to school? And how? Dear friends, are you (10) (generous, give) her a helping hand?

Ⅱ. 根据所给的提示,用 “It is … for…to …”或 “It is … of…to…”结构填空,完成对话。

Mini Dictionary: sensible (懂事的), poverty (贫穷), compulsory education (义务教育)

Andy: Have you read the report about a girl called Xiaofang in today’s newspaper?

Wendy: Yes. (1) (sensible, her, work) to support her family.

Andy: But do you think (2) (sad, a girl, leave school) because of poverty?

Wendy: Yes. (3) (necessary, every child, receive) compulsory education.

Andy: Of course. (4) (important, Xiaofang, continue her schooling). If she doesn’t get enough education, (5) (impossible, her, have) a good future.

Wendy: Yes. She needs help. But how can we help her?

Andy: The chairperson of Sunshine For All says they will have a show to raise money for girls like Xiaofang. And they have set up a fund (基金).

Wendy: A fund? (6) (wise, him, think of) this idea.

Andy: So he is. I hear that the fund has received over 20,000 donations from teachers already. (7) (kind, our teachers, donate money).

Wendy: Sounds great. And will Xiaofang show up at the show?

Andy: Yes. She will.

Ⅲ. 阅读下面的短文,用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。

Sunshine For All is a charity in our school. The charity (1) (lead) by the Students’ Union (学生会). Every year, about ten activities (2) (organize) by Sunshine For All, including a big show. It has done a lot for needy people since it (3) (set) up ten years ago, on June 1, 2004. June 1 (4) (call) Sunshine Day in our school now. Every year, a big charity show (5) (hold) on that day. And now, we are busy preparing for the show.

This year, a special guest (6) (invite) to the show. She is a girl called Xiaofang. Xiaofang’s father got badly ill last month. And with the support of Sunshine For All, he (7) (operate) on in time. Xiaofang said her father (8) (save) because of the help from so many kind people. So she will sing a song at the show.

Thanks to Sunshine For All, more and more people (9) (call) on to care for others. And we hope all needy people like Xiaofang (10) (offer) a helping hand in time.

Ⅳ. 阅读下面的对话,用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。

Wendy: Andy, I hear you (1) (choose) to be propaganda minister (宣传部长) of Sunshine For All last week. Congratulations (祝贺你)!

Andy: Thanks. This means I (2) (have) more work to do.

Wendy: You have always been willing to work for the group since you joined Sunshine For All. Tell me what you (3) (work) on these days.

Andy: The show. It (4) (take) place in two days.

Wendy: Have you decided where (5) (hold) it?

Andy: In Sunshine Stadium (体育馆). We (6) (discuss) it during yesterday’s meeting.

Wendy: Good idea. And what about the tickets? (7) they (sell) to the public?

Andy: Yes. They (8) (print) out this morning. And about 2,000 leaflets (9) (give) out to the public tomorrow.

Wendy: Leaflet? Who (10) it (design) by?

Andy: It is a secret. You will find out when you see it.

Ⅴ. 改写句子,每空一词。

A. 改写下列句子,使其与原句意思保持不变。

1. The hall is very big. It can hold 5,000 people.

The hall is 5,000 people.

2. The bag is very heavy. I can’t carry it.

The bag is carry.

3. Wendy is really helpful. She offers me so much good advice.

Wendy me so much good advice.

4. To have a healthy diet is important.

a healthy diet.

5. As a student, one must finish his homework alone.

a student his homework alone.

6. The government will change the place into a park.

The place into a park by the government.

7. Han Han wrote his first novel in the 1990s.

Han Han’s first novel in the 1990s.

B. 按要求改写句子。

8. The little dog was found in those bushes. (对划线部分提问)

the little dog ?

9. The dog was trapped there for two weeks. (对划线部分提问)

the dog there?

10. The computer will be checked by Tom. (对划线部分提问)

the computer ?

11. The lights will be placed on both sides of the stage. (对划线部分提问)

the lights ?

12. It’s important to plan before we start. (改写成感叹句)

it is to plan before we start!

Ⅵ. 根据所给汉语意思,填空完成下列句子。

1. 你的电脑多久检修一次?

your computer checked?

2. 我的作业直到12点才做完。

My homework 12 o’clock.

3. 我太累了,不能再往前走了。

I was too tired .

4. 他发言够清楚,我们都能听得懂。

He spoke understand.

5. 对我们来说,在午饭前赶到宾馆是不可能的。

It’s before lunch.

6. 你帮助那个盲人过马路,真是太好了。

the blind man cross the road.

7. 如果再给我一次机会,我会表现更好。

I will do better if I another chance.

8. 你真聪明,这么快找到答案。

It’s really find out the answer so quickly.

9. 这首诗太难了,我理解不了。

The poem is to understand.

10. 我们的文化小屋下周建好。

Our culture house next week.


Ⅰ. 1. too tiny for them to live in 2. too old to work 3. too young to look after 4. too busy to cook

5. old enough to share 6. early enough to cook 7. quickly enough to spare 8. too poor to afford

9. strong enough to carry 10. generous enough to give

Ⅱ. 1. It is sensible of her to work 2. it is sad for a girl to leave school

3. It is necessary for every child to receive 4. It is important for Xiaofang to continue her schooling

5. it is impossible for her to have 6. It is wise of him to think of

7. It is kind of our teachers to donate money

Ⅲ. 1. is led 2. are organized 3. was set 4. is called 5. is held 6. will be invited 7. was operated 8. was saved

9. are called 10. will be offered

Ⅳ. 1. was chosen 2. will have 3. are working 4. will take 5. to hold 6. discussed 7. Will; be sold

8. were printed 9. will be given 10. is/was; designed

Ⅴ. 1. big enough to hold 2. too heavy for me to 3. It’s helpful of; to offer 4. It’s important to have

5. It’s necessary for; to finish 6. will be changed 7. was written 8. Where was; found

9. How long was; trapped10. Who will; be checked by 11. Where will; be placed 12. How important

Ⅵ. 1. How often is 2. wasn’t finished until 3. to walk any further 4. clearly enough for us to

5. impossible for us to get to the hotel 6. It’s really kind of you to help 7. am given 8. clever of you to

9. too difficult for me 10. will be built

