



The owner of the hamburger stand was rather surprised to see a man walk in with three iguanas, but when the man ordered four hamburgers with fries, the owner complied with a shrug.


The man and his iguanas enjoyed their dinner and left.


The next day the man returned with two kangaroos and the same scene was repeated.


On the third day the man entered with two orangutans and a chimpanzee, and the owner couldn't help making a remark.


"You certainly seem to be an animal lover," he said.


"That's true," said the man, "and I'd like you to know how much we appreciate your letting us eat here. Some proprietors object. "


"That's quite alright," said the shopkeeper.


"As a token of my appreciation, I’d like to give you this lobster. " And the animal lover handed over a live, wriggling crustacean


"Well, that's very kind of you. My wife and I will have it for dinner. "


"Oh, he-s already had dinner. But I am sure he-d love totake in a movie. "



A musician had taken to heart the old saying, "Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast," and traveled to the darkest corner of Africa in an effort to prove it.

一位音乐家牢记一句格言在心: “音乐有安抚野兽心灵的魅力。”为了证实这句话,他前往非洲最深处的内陆丛林旅游。

No sooner had he begun to play his violin in a jungle clearing than it was full of savage beasts, swaying in rhythm and tapping their paws to the delightful sounds.


Suddenly, however, a huge lion emerged from the jungle,pounced on the violinist and made a hearty meal of him.


The other animals cried out in dismay, 'Hey! We were enjoying that. "


"Eh?" said the lion, cupping its hand to its ear.



The Ndele tribesmen of Africa were'a poor but proud people. Living as they did in the savannah regions south of the Sahara, they had only grass with which to build their houses, but these were nonetheless beautifully designed and spacious.


In fact, the king's palace was all of three stories tall until the tragic events which I will now relate.


The Ndele had always believed that as long as the king sat on the traditional golden throne, no harm could come to the tribe. In recent times, however, the kings had taken to sending their heirs to Europe to be educated.


One particular crown prince came back from Oxford with nothing but contempt for the ancient beliefs of his people. No sooner had he been crowned king than he had the golden throne removed to the palace attic and replaced with a comfortable steel-framed easy-chair.


Sure enough, as soon as the young king settled his posterior into the new royal seat, an earthquake struck the entire territory of the Ndele, hundreds of homes were destroyed, and the old golden throne came crashing through the two intervening floors directly onto the foolish monarch,squashing him like a bug.


And the moral of the story is: Those who live in grass houses should not stow thrones.

这则故事的真义就是: “住在茅草房子的人们不可把国王的御座收藏起来!”

