

下面是小编整理的一些关于rather的用法小结, 希望让大家更好地认识rather这个单词,提高英语水平。

一、rather 与其同义词的区分

rather作为独立的副词使用,可表示"相当"的意思。其同义词有:pretty, quite, fairly。它们表示"相当"的程度从强到弱依次为:rather, pretty, quite, fairly。例如,对于HarryPorter这本书,有人认为"fairly good(还可以,还不错)",这种评价通常并不能引起听话人去看这本书的兴趣;有人认为"quite good(相当不错,值得一看)",这可以说是一种推荐的说法;而如果有人说"rather good",那就表示"远远胜过其他同类",你可应该看一看了。可见这组词在"相当"程度上的语气差别。当pretty表示"相当"的意思时,通常只用于口语。


1. 当rather修饰表示批评、失望、惊奇等带有负面含义的形容词和副词时,该词传达说话人的一种否定、不赞成的态度,意为"颇,在一定程度上"。例如:

This initially rather dull hobby had led him into fresh fields of enjoyment. 这个刚开始颇无趣的爱好带他进入了一个全新的乐土。


The summer in Beijing is rather hot. (The speaker dislikes it.)

The summer in Beijing is fairly dry. (The speaker likes it.)

2. 当rather用于一些带有肯定含义的形容词和副词(如:amusing, clever, good, etc.)之前时,意为"非常,相当",含义接近very。此时不传达任何否定或不赞成的态度。

It is a rather good film. 这是相当好的一部电影。(表达说话者对该电影的一种相当推崇的态度)

3. 上述副词中只有quite和rather 可以修饰动词,如:

I quite like this book.

She rather enjoys sweeping and cleaning.

4. 修饰单数可数名词时,fairly和pretty只能放在冠词之后,而quite 和rather 可前可后。如:

It is quite a good film. = It is a quite good film.

It is rather a good film. = It is a rather good film.

It is a fairly good film.

It is a pretty good film.

二、rather 构成的习惯用语及搭配形式

1. would rather 宁可,宁愿

(1)would rather后接动词原形;表否定时,后接not +动词原形

I’ll never be dependent on anyone again. I would rather starve (than be dependent on anyone else). 我再也不依靠任何人了。我宁愿饿死(也不靠别人)。

John really dislikes dancing. He would rather not go dancing with his wife. 约翰确实不喜欢跳舞。他宁可不和妻子一起去跳舞。

(2)would rather后接that从句,从句用虚拟语气,即用一般过去时表示现在或将来的动作或状态,用过去完成时表示过去的动作或状态。如:

I’d rather (that) you set out to do the task now.我宁愿你现在就着手这项工作。

I’d rather you picked her up at the airport tomorrow morning. 我宁愿你明早去机场接她。

I’d rather you had not told her the news that day.我宁愿你那天没告诉她这个消息。

(3)变体形式:would rather do ... than do ...

I would rather die than surrender to the enemy.


