




[经] dead work

preparation work



preparatory work



All that preparation was for nothing because the visit was cancelled.

1. Plans are rolling full steam ahead for the Jamaica Festival. 庆祝牙买加节的准备工作正开展得如火如荼。


2. The preparations for the reception of his Royal Highness proceeded. 迎接殿下到来的准备工作在有序进行。

3. Before you go near a stockbroker, do your homework. 找股票经纪人之前,先要做好必要的准备工作。

4. Preparations for the wedding were made under a cloak of secrecy. 婚礼的准备工作是秘密进行的。

5. It had taken about ten minutes to cover the preliminaries. 准备工作大概花了10分钟。

6. A background check is normally a preliminary to a presidential appointment. 总统任命前通常要进行背景审查的准备工作。

7. Final preparations are under way for celebrations to mark German unification. 纪念德国统一的庆典活动正在做最后的准备工作。

8. Officials are laying the groundwork for a summit conference of world leaders. 官员们正在为世界首脑峰会做准备工作。

9. Preparation for the party started early. 聚会的准备工作很早就开始了。

10. The preparations were made with Teutonic thoroughness. 各项准备工作均以日耳曼人缜密的精神完成。

11. Time to prepare was a luxuary he would have to forgo. 因为时间不够,他不得不放弃做准备工作.

12. I have to do a lot of homework for tomorrow's meeting. 明天要开会,我还要做许多准备工作.

13. I'll do all I can toward ( s ) getting things ready for the party. 我将尽力帮助做好宴会的准备工作.

14. All the preparatory work has been completed. 各项准备工作均已就绪.

15. Preparations for the meeting are in progress. 会议的准备工作正在进行.

16. At least a year's preparatory work will be necessary before building can start. 在开始动工之前至少要做一年的准备工作。

17. If we are not bang-on with our preparations then we could have problems. 如果我们的准备工作没有做到位,就可能会遇到问题。

18. We are not very forward with our preparations for our Arctic expedition nextyear. 我们为明年北极探险所做的准备工作进展不快.

19. In the months leading up to the great ceremony, many people took part in thepreparations. 临近盛典的几个月里, 许多人参加了准备工作.

20. There are a lot of preliminaries to be gone through before you can visitcertain foreigners. 在访问某些外国人之前要做好许多准备工作.

