

汉语解释: 左边即靠左的一边。那么,你知道左边的英文单词怎么说吗?

左边[zuǒ bian]


the left ; the left [left-hand] side; left

网 络left;left side;on the left;the left



The picture is slanted to the left.


The car in front of us suddenly branched off to the left.


She was sitting immediately to my left.



I work from left to right, he works contrariwise.


Luckily the van ahead of us skidded off the road on our left, but it was a very near miss.


The figure on the left spoils the unity of the painting.


It is very dangerous to overtake on the left of a vehicle.


Choose the best one from the right side to fill the unknowing space.


He put the sheep on the right and goats on the left.

1. On the left was a plantation of almond trees. 左边是一个杏树园。

2. The cushions, shown left, measure 20× 12 inches and cost $39.95. 展示在左边的垫子,长20英寸宽12英寸,价格是39.95美元。

3. The keys are in the back left-hand corner of the drawer. 钥匙放在抽屉里面左边一角。

4. They drive on the left-hand side of the road. 他们靠公路左边行驶。

5. I wrote the date at the far left of the blackboard. 我把日期写在黑板的最左边。

6. Just before the town boundary fork left onto a minor road. 快到城镇边界时要走岔路的左边一条小路。

7. There she is on the left up there. 她在那边,左边那儿。

8. Give way to traffic coming from the left. 让从左边来的车先行。

9. A corridor led off to the left. 一条走廊通往左边。

10. the car's nearside doors 左边的车门

11. My billfold is in the left - hand pocket of my coat. 我的钱包在大衣的左边兜里.

12. My house is the first one on the left. 我的房子是左边第一家.

13. Take the left side road [ fork ] at the crossroads. 到十字路口走左边的岔道.

14. The ship kept the buoy on her off side. 这条船在浮标的左边.

15. The car suddenly veered off to the left. 汽车突然拐向左边.

16. On our left was a wooded hillside. 我们的左边是一个树木丛生的山坡.

17. The horse on the left side isn't pulling. 左边的那匹马没有用力拉车.

18. The water roiled to his left as he climbed carefully at the edge of the waterfall. 当他在瀑布边缘小心攀爬时,水就在他左边奔腾。

19. The odd numbers are on the left as you walk up the street. 沿这条街走,在左边的是单号。

20. The whistles from the large contingent of England fans away to our left are deafening. 我们左边一大群英格兰球迷发出震耳欲聋的口哨声。

