正股 underlying stock
正常买卖盘差额 normal order imbalance
正常运行比率 uptime
母公司 parent company; holding company
永久债券 perpetual bond
用户代号 User ID
用户接纳测试 / 用户接收测试 user acceptance test (UAT)
用户终端设施 user access
「用者自付」原则 "user pay" principle
申报期 reporting period
申报会计师 reporting accountant
立约成价 contracted price
交叉买卖 / 交叉盘买卖 crossed trade; cross trade; crossing
交叉盘系统 crossing system
交付 delivery
交收上限 settlement cap
交收日 settlement date
交收指示 settlement instruction (SI)
「交收指示」交易 settlement instruction transaction
交收指示状况报告(中央结算系统) SI Status Report(CCASS)
交收指示的交易 SI transaction
交收指示活动报告(中央结算系统) SI Activity Report(CCASS)
交收指示整批传送(中央结算系统) Settlement Instruction Batch Upload(CCASS)
交收风险 settlement risk
交收报告(中央结算系统) Settlement Report(CCASS)
交收期 settlement period
交收银行 settlement bank
交收积压 settlement backlog
交投呆滞 slow trading
交投活跃 active market
交投淡静 quiet trading
交投疏落 light trading
交投畅旺 heavy trading
交易大堂 trading floor; trading hall
交易工作站 trading workstation
交易及交收委员会 Trading and Settlement Committee
交易及结算综合系统 integrated trading and clearing system
交易日 trading day
交易日表 trading calendar
交易市场 secondary market
交易系统使用费(现货市场) trading tariff(cash market)
《交易所(特别征费)条例》 Exchanges (Special Levy) Ordinance
《交易所及结算所(合并)条例》 Exchanges and Clearing Houses (Merger)Ordinance
交易所另项交易系统(英国) Stock Exchange Alternative Trading System (SEATS)(UK)
交易所自动报价系统(英国) Stock Exchange Automated Quotations System (SEAQ)(UK)
交易所参与者 Exchange Participant
《交易所参与者及联交所交易权持有人名录》 List of Exchange Participants & Holders of Stock Exchange Trading Rights
《交易所参与者市场占有率报告》 Exchange Participants' Market Shares Report
交易所参与者证明书 Exchange Participant Certificate
交易所国际自动报价系统(英国) Stock Exchange Automated Quotations System for International Equities (SEAQI)(UK)
《交易所规则》 Rules of the Exchange
交易所买卖之期权 exchange traded option
交易所买卖基金 exchange traded fund
交易流通速度 turnover velocity
交易能力 trading capacity
交易商 dealer
交易圈 / 交易场 pit; trading pit
交易设施 trading facilities; execution facilities
交易单位 trading unit
交易费 Trading Fee
交易量 trading capacity
《交易运作程序 ─ 期权买卖交易所参与者专用》 Operational Trading Procedures for Options Trading Exchange Participants
交易对手 counterparty
交易征费 Transaction Levy
交易柜位 trading booth
交易转移(期权) trade give-ups(options)
交易议价板 Bulletin Board
交错到期组合 staggering maturities
企业狙击手 corporate raider
企业资讯资料库 Enterprise Information Database
企业管治 corporate governance
企业管治工作小组 Working Group on Corporate Governance
《企业管治常规守则及企业管治报告征求意见草拟本》 Exposure of Draft Code on Corporate Governance Practices and Corporate Governance Report
企业融资协会 The Corporate Finance Association (CFA)
《企业融资顾问操守准则》(证监会) Corporate Finance Adviser Code of Conduct(SFC)
先进先出 first in, first out (FIFO)
全面收购建议 general offer
全面披露 full disclosure
全面结算参与者 General Clearing Participant (GCP)
全面豁免 blanket waiver; general waiver
全面摊薄每股盈利 fully diluted earnings per share
全球期货交易系统 Globex
全国社会保障基金 National Social Security Fund
全国电子交易系统(中国内地) National Electronic Trading System (NETS) (Mainland China)
全部完成或放弃买卖盘 all-or-none order
全资附属公司 wholly-owned subsidiary
全数执行或立刻取消 Fill-or-Kill (FOK)
全额或取消 Fill-or-Kill (FOK)
全权代客买卖账户 discretionary account
全权委托户口 discretionary account
全权委托盘 discretionary order; no-forcing order;order at discretion
全权信托 discretionary trust
全权管理人 discretionary manager
共用代理人(中央结算系统) common nominee(CCASS)
「共用代理人」股票 "common nominee" share certificate
共用软件 shareware
共同抵押品管理系统 Common Collateral Management System (CCMS)
共同风险管理系统 Common Risk Management System
再贴现 rediscount
印花税 stamp duty
《印花税条例》 Stamp Duty Ordinance
印花税署署长 Collector of Stamp Revenue
合成工具 synthetics
合成期权 synthetic option
合成认购期权长仓 synthetic long call
合并 amalgamation; consolidation; merger
合并有形资产净值 combined net tangible assets
合并与收购 mergers and acquisitions
合约互惠基金 contractual mutual fund
合约股数 contract size
合约乘数 contract multiplier
合约规格 contract specifications
合约单位 contract unit
合格交付 good for delivery
合格境内机构投资者 Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor (QDII)
合格境外机构投资者 Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII)
合资企业 joint venture
合资合同 joint venture contract
合资格主管 Eligible Supervisor
合资格机构买家 qualified institutional buyer
合资格证券 eligible securities
合营企业 joint venture
同日行使 same day exercise
同系附属公司 / 同集团附属公司 fellow subsidiary
名义汇率 nominal exchange rate
吊销资格令 disqualification order
回升 rally
回本期 payoff period
回扣 / 回佣 rebate; commission rebate; sub-commission
回收期 payoff period
回抽佣金 sub-commission
回报 return; payoff
回报率 rate of return
回补机制 claw back mechanism
回应时间 response time
回购 buy-back(cf repurchase agreement)
回购协议 repurchase agreement (repo)
回购权证 call warrant
在交易所买卖的期权 traded option
在建工程 construction-in-progress
地区性指数认购权证 regional index call warrant
多工作站 multiple-workstations
多工作站系统 Multi-workstation System (MWS)
多批交收处理程序 batch settlement run
多种货币买卖 multi-currency trading
多头* long position; bull position
《如何撰写清楚易明的公布》(刊物)(证监会) How to Create Clear Announcements(publication)(SFC)
存货 inventory
存款公司公会 The Deposit-Taking Companies Association
存管代理人 depository nominee
存管处及共用代理人系统 Depository and Common Nominee System (DNS)