




Ⅰ. 听力(10分)


1. What is the woman’s favourite class?

A. Yes, I do. B. No, Math class.

C. Gym class.

2. What did the man do last Sunday?

A. Motorcycle race. B. Flying kites.

C. Having a picnic.

3. Where did the woman go yesterday?

A. The school. B. The park.

C. The Great Wall.

4. What did Gina use to look like?

A. She used to be thin.

B. She used to have long hair.

C. She used to have short hair.

5. When does the woman’s grandpa go fishing?

A. Going shopping. B. On the weekend.

C. Playing football.



6. What does Katrina often eat for dinner?

A. Fish and pork.

B. Rice and vegetables.

C. Eggs and beef.

7. How long does it usually take Nina to go to school?

A. 30 minutes’ walk. B. 15 minutes’ drive.

C. 25 minutes’ ride.

8. How much is the black scarf?

A. 260 yuan. B. 280 yuan.

C. 540 yuan.


9. We don’t need ______ according to the speaker.

A. milk B. a candle

C. a color pen

10. This passage tells us how to ______.

A. write with a brush

B. write a letter in an interesting way

C. drink hot milk

Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)

1. My friend Tim likes playing ______ piano, but he doesn’t like play ______ football.

A. /; the B. the; the C. /; / D. the; /

2. We’d better not stop the work. We can ______ turns to have a rest.

A. get B. find

C. take D. make

3. Jack is ______ friend. We often play and study together.

A. my the best B. my best

C. the best my D. the my best

4. The old man is very poor, but he never borrows money from ______.

A. everybody B. anybody

C. nobody D. somebody

5. —Our class won the table tennis match.

—Congratulations! You ______ proud of it.

A. may be B. can be

C. must be D. could be

6. —Which one of the two houses would you buy?

—I would buy the ______ one, because I have a big family.

A. smaller B. larger

C. smallest D. largest

7. Our monitor takes more exercise every day, for he believes ______ he does, ______ he’ll be.

A. the more; the thinner B. the more; the stronger

C. the less; the stronger D. more; stronger

8. —Tom, ______ will it take to fly to Guangzhou?

—Sorry, I don’t know.

A. how many B. how long

C. how far D. how soon

9. —I love NBA. Did you see the basketball match last night?

—Yes, I have never seen ______ exciting match before.

A. so a B. such a

C. so an D. such an

10. I tried ______ up with my classmates, but I failed.

A. catch B. to catch

C. catching D. caught

Ⅲ. 完形填空(20分)

The most important match was held yesterday afternoon. That was the last match in the league(联赛). Until yesterday our team had played very well and almost won 1 game this year. The match was 2 the team from No. 64 Middle School and ours. We 3 a little afraid of them because their team was almost as strong as our team. 4 we would do our best and we were sure that we would win.

Before the match, our teacher told us not to 5 ; we should pass the ball often and play together.

The match began. Some of their players were hard to 6 when they got the ball. Soon one of their players kicked a goal. Though we were a little 7 , we played harder and harder. Liu Dong, one of the 8 players in our team, got the ball. We kept passing it to ea ch other and we played so well together that they couldn’t get the ball. Soon we kicked a goal. We continued passing the ball to each other 9 they couldn’t get it easily. Soon we kicked another goal.

Finally we beat them—4∶2. We were at the 10 of the league.

1. A. all B. some C. every D. no

2. A. among B. between

C. in D. about

3. A. made B. had C. took D. felt

4. A. And B. Because

C. But D. Though

5. A. worry B. fall C. move D. talk

6. A. pull B. win C. stop D. see

7. A. happy B. fast

C. busy D. behind

8. A. well B. best C. better D. small

9. A. such that B. even if

C. so that D. after that

10. A. top B. member C. record D. host


There are fifty states in the United States. The largest in population is California; the largest in area is Alaska. Alaska is the smallest in population and Rhode Island is the smallest in size. The oldest states are the ones along the Atlantic coast. The newest states are Alaska and Hawaii. Alaska is also the coldest state. California and Florida are the warmest. Henry and his family live in Seattle, a big city, on the Pacific coast. But Los Angeles and San Francisco, also on the Pacific coast, are larger than Seattle. Henry’s cousin, Susan, lives in New York. It is the largest city in the United States. Thousands of people visit New York each year. The most important ci ty in the United States is Washington D. C. . It is the capital, but it is much smaller than Ne w York.

1. How many states are there in the USA?

A. Five. B. Forty-fi ve.

C. Fifty. D. Fifteen.

2. Which state is the largest in population?

A. California. B. Rhode Island.

C. Alaska. D. Los Angeles.

3. Which state is the c oldest, the newest and the smallest in population?

A. Rhode Island. B. Seattle.

C. San Francisco. D. Alaska.

4. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The oldest states are the ones along the Pacific coast.

B. Washington D. C. is the most important and the largest city.

C. New York is the largest city in the United States.

D. Henry’s cousin lives in Seattle.

5. Why is Washington D. C. the most important American city? Because ______.

A. it is the largest city

B. it is the largest in population

C. it is the most beautiful city

D. it is the capital of the United States


Ⅴ. 词汇运用(10分)


1. There wasn’t a______ in the classroom when I came in this morning.

2. Do you know how much the world’s biggest blue whale w______?

3. Of the four students, Wang Hai jumps f______.

4. You can skate on the river. The ice on the river is over 1. 5 metres t______.

5. Tom likes music very much. He plays either the g______ or the piano in his spare time.

