

汉语解释:黄瓜,(学名Cucumis sativus Linn,英文名Cucumber),葫芦科黄瓜属植物。也称胡瓜、青瓜。果实颜色呈油绿或翠绿,表面有柔软的小刺。那么,你知道黄瓜的英语怎么说吗?

中文: 黄瓜

黄瓜的英语: cucumber; Cucumis sativus; cuke ;



In our garden we have egg-plants, cucumber and potato.


Any of several related or similar plants, such as the bur cucumber or the squirting cucumber.



That building is just like a gherkin.


Cucumber grows well in warm climatic conditions.


Learn how to make cucumber raita with this free video.


Cucumber feels very cold and gets gooseflesh all over his body.


Garnish the fish with cucumber slices.


Cucumber is one of the major vegetables in greenhouse production.

1. Cut down and compost spent cucumbers, tomatoes and other crops. 将已收获过的黄瓜、西红柿和其他作物的秧蔓割下,制成堆肥。

2. Cucumber is good for soothing tired eyes. 黄瓜有助于舒缓眼部疲劳。

3. Cut the cucumber into match-sticks. 将黄瓜切成细条。

4. Bess stabbed a slice of cucumber. 贝丝叉起一片黄瓜。

5. A cucumber was sliced into rounds. 黄瓜被切成了圆片。

6. She steeped the cucumbers in brine. 她把黄瓜泡在盐水里.

7. He gave me a huge cucumber. 他给了我一根大黄瓜.

8. The cucumbers are crisp and refreshing. 这黄瓜脆生爽口.

9. The cucumbers are really doing fine. 这黄瓜长得还正经不错呢!

10. This cucumber plant is climbing. 这棵黄瓜爬蔓了.

11. Cucumbers can be eaten raw. 黄瓜可以生吃.

12. Back on Flatbush Avenue, Pong is busy restocking his shelves with cucumbers and coconuts. 回到弗拉特布什大道上,庞正忙着往货架上补充黄瓜和椰子。

13. The shelves were filled with all sorts of vegetables -- eggplants , cucumbers,cabbages, tomatoes. 茄子 啊, 黄瓜啊, 卷心菜啊, 西红柿啊,各种蔬菜摆满了货架.

14. There is much sustenance in a cucumber. 黄瓜有很多营养。

15. In our garden we have egg - plants, cucumbers and potatoes. 在我们的菜园里,我们种了茄子 、 黄瓜和土豆.

16. Should pickles and tomatoes go on the same shelf? 泡黄瓜跟西红柿能不能放在同一层架上?

17. It was found that calcium reduced elongation of cucumber hypocotyls. 有人发现,钙能抑制黄瓜胚轴的伸长.

18. Must we get in the cucumbers today? 我们今天要不要收摘黄瓜?

19. There isn't much sustenance in a cucumber. 黄瓜没有很多营养.

20. Grandmother knew how to pickle cucumbers. 祖母会腌黄瓜.

