

今年的感恩节是11月26日。作家欧·亨利把这一天称为 纯美国式 的节日。感恩节不是一个宗教节日,但它有宗教方面的含义。一些美国人在感恩节的前一天或是感恩节的早上参加宗教仪式,还有的人长途跋涉和他们的家人团聚。下面是小编带来的关于感恩节的英语资料,欢迎阅读!



The fourth Thursday in November is a national day of thanksgiving in the United States. Thetradition is a very old one, dating to the arrival of the first English settlers in North America inthe 17th century who, after their first successful harvests, paused to celebrate their bountyand give thanks for surviving their first terrible winter in what was then a wilderness.

Falling in the autumn, Thanksgiving has much in common with harvest holidays in other nationsand cultures, such as Vietnam’s Trung Thu [[CHOONG TWO]] celebration and Homowo, theannual yam festival in Ghana. Still, with its turkey dinners, family gatherings, football gamesand parades, there’s something about the day that is distinctively American. Together with July4th, when the U.S. marks its independence from Great Britain, it’s a truly national holiday thatincludes all citizens in a common purpose, regardless of religious, political or ethnic persuasion.

It also is a time for people to look back at the year, take stock and think about the future. Withour nation dealing with crises in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and West Africa, the loominguncertainties of 2015 likely will be on many minds today. President Abraham Lincoln proclaimedthe first official Thanksgiving amid similar serious circumstances, the American Civil War.

But like their colonial ancestors, Americans are essentially an optimistic people. Surrounded byfriends and family, today as in the past, they will enter into the spirit of the day, giving thanksfor life’s blessings and the promise of the future living in a free land.



The average cost of Thanksgiving dinner for 10 people exceeded $50 for the first time since the American Farm Bureau began tracking it in 1986. The total price of the feast increased 70 cents (or 1.4 percent) to $50.11 from 2014. The average cost of food for the celebration has remained around $49 since 2011.

The most expensive item on the list is a 16-pound turkey, which costs an average of $23.04 this year. That’s up $1.39 from last year, or 6.42 percent, the largest percentage increase of all the grocery items.

The increase is largely due to production issues caused by a bird flu outbreak in the Midwest earlier this year. But turkey prices have been falling in the last week, the AFB said, as retailers aggressively market them for the holidays.

Fears that a pumpkin shortage from wet weather would affect Thanksgiving pies also appear to be overblown. A 30-ounce can of pumpkin pie mix increased 8 cents this year to $3.20.

Other item prices that went up this year included a 14-ounce package of cubed bread stuffing (up 7 cents), two nine-inch pie shells (up a nickel), and 3 pounds of sweet potatoes (up a penny).

The prices of milk and miscellaneous ingredients experienced the largest year-over-year price declines. The price of whole milk dropped 51 cents, or 13.6 percent, and the price of miscellaneous ingredients, declined 30 cents, or 8.6 percent.

While the price of Thanksgiving dinner remains relatively stable, the cost of traveling for the holiday is getting cheaper. Prices for the most popular Thanksgiving flights are down an average of 9 percent this year, and gas prices are at their lowest level in seven years.



This week, across the Pacific, Americans are busy polishing off slices of turkey and pie, as partof the annual Thanksgiving holiday.


When the fourth Thursday in November rolls around, Americans gather around their dinnertables, appetites in tow, to re-live the 1621 Plymouth feast. It's a celebration of the country'sPilgrim ancestors, who escaped religious persecution in England by sailing to Plymouth.


The first Thanksgiving is depicted as a rosy affair: grateful Pilgrims break bread with theirnewfound Native American friends. But there's renewed interest in muddying this tidynarrative. After all, colonization didn't end so cheerily for Native Americans.


The character of Squanto, for instance, is portrayed in Thanksgiving stories as a kind-heartedindigenous translator who shared helpful farming tips with the Europeans. But what moststories fail to mention is how bleak Squanto's life really was.


Europeans had previously captured Squanto and forced him into slavery. That's how he wasable to speak English when the Pilgrims arrived. The arrival of European diseases also leftSquanto without a home. His community of Patuxet had all but died out.


The reaction against Thanksgiving–as a sanitized, European-focused holiday – started decadesand decades ago. Native American groups have been celebrating "Un-Thanksgiving" since the1970s. The celebration started as a protest to protect indigenous rights.


But this year, mainstream media organizations like Buzzfeed and the National GeographicChannel are confronting the myths surrounding Thanksgiving. The four-hour Saints &Strangers miniseries is National Geographic's attempt to go "beyond the familiar historicalaccount of Thanksgiving".


"So many people celebrate Thanksgiving every year, but I think most people have no idea whatthe story is behind it," Saints & Strangers star Kalani Queypo told Indian Country Today.


Thanksgiving isn't the only holiday to be criticized for its simplistic depiction of colonialism.Columbus Day, the October holiday that celebrates explorer Christopher Columbus, is alsocoming under fire.


Columbus is famous for "discovering" the New World. But historical documents show that hehelped expand the slave trade to the Caribbean by using violence against the native people.


Ann Arbor, Michigan, and Missoula, Montana, marked 2015 by replacing Columbus Day withIndigenous Peoples Day. Even the Los Angeles city council considered dumping Columbus Daythis year, according to the Los Angeles Times.


"Los Angeles is the most culturally diverse city in the United States, and we must find a way tohonor the profound sacrifices made by countless tribal members through the centuries," citycouncil member Mitch O'Farrell told the newspaper.


Some other countries are also questioning how to remember their colonial past. On May 26,Australia observes National Sorry Day, which commemorates the aboriginal children who weretaken from their homes to be "re-educated" with Western culture.


