双语阅读:英国威廉王子首次访华 “历史性的远东之行”








The Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, began his visit to Chinaon Sunday, marking the first visit to China by a senior Britishroyal in close to three decades.

Prince William arrived at Beijing's Capital International Airport onSunday night to a warm welcome.

The last visit by a senior British royal was when William's grandparents, Queen Elizabeth II andPrince Philip, came to China in 1986, according to the prince's press office.

"The Duke's visit to China symbolizes a deepening relationship between the United Kingdom andChina. In terms of trade, cultural production and education, the two countries are becoming closerand this visit is very important in symbolizing how far the two countries have come since 1986,"Rana Mitter, professor of history and politics of modern China at the University of Oxford, toldChina Daily.

Feng Zhongping, a European studies expert and vice-president of the China Institutes ofContemporary International Relations, observed that sending the prince to China mirrors London'ssincerity and aims at the mid- and long-term stability of the relationship.

"'The Royal Diplomacy' is a signature dish of British public diplomacy ... and the Prince — with agood public image and a great appeal to the younger generation in China — will see his trip boostgoodwill between the two peoples and help eliminate misunderstandings," Feng said.

The prince, 32, is scheduled to visit Beijing's Forbidden City and Shijia Hutong Museum. Hutong arealleys that connect low-rise courtyard houses. This particular courtyard house has been restoredby the Prince of Wales's China Foundation and the Prince's Foundation for Building Communities.

In Shanghai, he will launch a campaign in the Long Museum to showcase British creativity andinnovation in entertainment, design, healthcare and fashion, encourage partnership with Chinesebusinesses and attend the Chinese premiere of the British-produced children's animated moviePaddington.

On Wednesday he will travel to Xishuangbanna in Southwest China's Yunnan province to visit anelephant rehabilitation center.

Feng said the culture during William's trip is "also a part of the influential British soft power", and willeffectively boost the country's image within China.

"There is a long link between the two countries, ... but this visit symbolizes the chance for Chinaand Britain to become partners who are close, frank and open in their relationship," Mitter said.

Ahead of the visit to China, Prince William published a video message to send his good wishes forChinese New Year. He sent wishes in Chinese as well.

In September, Prince William unveiled a new China Center in the University of Oxford. His father,the Prince of Wales, and the Duchess of Cornwall also opened a new Chinese cultural center incentral London's Chinatown on the first day of the Chinese New Year in February.

"It's clear that the royal family understands that the economic and cultural relations between Chinaand the UK are deepening," Mitter said.

Before China, Prince William visited Japan for three days. He is on his own during the visit in China.His wife, Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, is pregnant with their second child, due in April.

press office: 新闻处

sincerity: n.真挚,诚心诚意,诚意

goodwill: n.友好,亲善; 好感,青睐

rehabilitation:n.修复; 复兴; 复职

unveil:v.揭去…的面罩; 拉开…的帷幔; 使公之于众

duchess: n.公爵夫人或公爵遗孀

