

汉语解释: 音乐家,是个广泛的名词,简明地说,就是专注于音乐领域中的艺术家。它包括全世界创作音乐和演奏音乐的人。唱歌的人也算是音乐家,但他们有特别的称呼是歌唱家。也可以说是一种专门从事音乐活动,给人带来精神上美的享受的成功的人,如莫扎特,贝多芬,巴赫等等。想知道音乐家的英文怎么读吗?



musician ; eisteddfod ; [电影]Musikosebi

网 络musician;Musicians;Musicianship;The Musician



A famous musician, Tom's father teaches me music.



She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.


These musicians gave an absolutely faultless performance.


The musician made the legend into a beautiful ballad.


That musician is very famous.


He is a very fine musician.


During this time blues and country musicians had some influence on each other.


She is a talented speaker as well as being a musician.


That was a piss poor performance for a professional musician.

1. Mr Bowles could engender delight in students and musicians alike. 鲍尔斯先生能够让学生和音乐家都感到快乐。

2. The musicians burst into a rousing rendition of "Paddy Casey's Reel". 这些音乐家激情演绎了《帕迪·凯西的里尔舞曲》。

3. He feels that he was destined to become a musician. 他觉得自己注定会成为一名音乐家。

4. He was a brilliant musician. 他是一位才华横溢的音乐家。

5. Rozhdestvensky is an extraordinary musician. 罗日杰斯特文斯基是位出色的音乐家。

6. He established himself as a session musician. 他成为了一位伴奏音乐家。

7. Painted musicians capered behind gorgeous banners. 涂脂抹粉的音乐家们在绚丽的横幅后面欢跳雀跃。

8. Wednesday's Prom featured the London Mozart Players. 周三音乐会为伦敦莫扎特音乐家乐团专场。

9. My husband is a jazz musician. Enough said. 我丈夫是位爵士音乐家,透露这一点就够了。

10. Aspiring musicians need hours of practice every day. 想当音乐家就要每天练许多小时。

11. He had long coveted the chance to work with a famous musician. 他一直渴望有机会与著名音乐家一起工作。

12. He was a very unusual musician inasmuch as he was totally deaf. 他是完全失聪的,从这点上来说,他是个很了不起的音乐家。

13. The festival was a showcase for young musicians. 音乐节是青年音乐家展现才华的场合。

14. He was long a famous musician, but he plays no longer. 他成为有名的音乐家已很久了, 但他现在不演奏了.

15. Casals greatly influenced later cellists with his technique, misicianship, andbeautiful tone. 卡萨尔斯以他的表现手法和技巧 、 音乐家的风范及优美的曲调对以后的大提琴手产生很大影响.

16. The parents were keen that their daughter should become musician. 父母渴望他们的女儿成为音乐家.

17. The annual competition has encouraged the emergence of several talentedyoung musicians. 每年一度的比赛造就了若干卓越的年轻音乐家.

18. Father tried to steer Jim into becoming a musician. 父亲想说服吉姆将来当音乐家.

19. The parents are trying to breed their son a musician. 这对父母尽力要把儿子培养成为音乐家.

20. Most of my family are musicians; it is in the blood. 我家里的人大都是音乐家, 是世传的.

