



A Brahmin, a member of the Hindu priest, had a great reputation for holiness, and received many presents so that he became rich.

一位婆罗门,印度僧侣之一,在圣洁方面享有极高的威望, 所以他收到了很多礼物,也因此变得很富有。

One day, he took a fancy to dress himself as a poor peasant.

一天,他突-然把自 己打扮成了一位贫穷的农民。

In this attire, he went into the market place but no one saluted him and no one gave him any presents.

他穿着这身衣服去了集市,但是, 没有人向他行礼,也没有人送他礼物。

The Brahmin then returned to his house and, dressing himself in rich garments, once more set out for the market place.


This time, everybody saluted him and made way for him and many handed him presents.

这一次, 每个人都向他行礼,给他让路,还有许多人送他礼物。

This was the usual custom when a holy Brahmin happened to make his appearance in the market place. Once again, the Brahmin returned to his home and changed his clothes.

按照习俗, 神圣的婆罗门出现在集市上时人们通常都会这样做。婆罗门又回家换掉了这身华丽的衣服。

Then, taking the rich garments, he set them up on a shrine near the market.

然后,他拿着这套华 丽的衣服,把它架在了集市附近的一个圣坛上。

As he prostrates himself before them, cried continually: "O mighty garments, you are esteemed above all else in this world....

他拜倒在衣服前 面,口中念念有词:“噢,伟大的衣服啊,你比世界上其他所有东 西都尊贵……”

The people gathered round in wonder. And in time came to worship the clothes as this Brahmin was doing.

人们好奇地聚拢了过来,最后也都开始朝衣服膜拜,因为婆 罗门在这样做。

This custom has spread farther and farther. Now in many countries around the world, trendy and fashionable people do the same thing, though not, perhaps in the way as the Brahmin did.

现在这一习俗已经传播得很远很远。世界上许多 国家赶时髦的人都在这样做,尽管可能与婆罗门的方式不同。


Once upon a time the Frogs decided to ask Jupiter, the king of the gods, for a King of theirown. Jupiter was amused.


"Here you are," he said, throwing a log of wood with a splash into the lake where they lived. "Here is a king for you."

“给你们,” 他说着向青蛙们生活的湖里扑通一声抛下一根圆木。“ 这就是你们的国王。”

The Frogs dived under the water in fright, burrowing as deep into the mud as they could. Aftera time one of the braver ones swam cautiously to the surface to take a look at the new King.


"He looks very quite,: said the Frog. :Perhaps he is asleep."


The log stayed quite still on the smooth lake and one by one more Frogs came up to take alook.


They swam closer and closer until at last they leaped right on top of it, quite forgetting thatthey had been frightened.


Young Frogs began to use it as a diving board; old Frogs sat sunning themselves on it; motherFrogs taught their tadpoles their first, wobbly jumps on its bark.


One day an old Frog said: "This is a dull king of a King, you know. I thought we wantedsomeone to keep us in order. This one just lies around and lets us do what we please."


So the Frogs went once more to Jupiter.


"Can't you give us a better King?" they asked. "Someone who will be a bit more active than theone you sent before?"


Jupiter was not in a good mood.


"Silly little animals, "he thought . "I shall give them just what they deserve this time."


He sent a long-legged stork to the lake.


The Frogs were very impressed and crowded admiringly round.


But before they could even begin the speeches of welcome they had prepared, the stork stuckhis long beak into the water and began to gobble up as many Frogs as he could see.


"That's not what we meant at all," gasped the Frogs as they dived once more into the mud. Butthis time Jupiter would not listen.


"I only gave you what you asked for," he said, "Perhaps it will teach you not to complain aboutthings so much."



There was once a wise old woman who lived back in the hills. All the children used to come backand ask her questions. She always gave the right answers.


There was a naughty little boy among the children. One day he caught a tiny bird and held it inhis cupped hands.


Then he gathered his friends around. He said, “Let’s trick the old woman. I’ll ask her what I’mholding in my hands.


Of course, she’ll answer that I have a bird.


Then I will ask her if the bird is living or dead. If she says the bird is dead,


I’ll open my hands and let the bird fly away. If she says the bird is alive, I’ll quickly crush it andshow her the dead bird. Either way, she’ll be wrong.”


The children agreed that this was a clever plan. Up the hill they went to the old woman’s hut.


“Granny, we have a question for you,” they all shouted.


“What’s in my hands?” asked the little boy.


“Well, it must be a bird,” replied the old woman.


“But is it living or dead?” demanded the excited boy.


The old woman thought for a moment and then replied, “It is as you will, my child.”


