


No one doubts the value of confidence. In fact,research shows people often prefer confidence overactual expertise。

G. Richard Shell teaches at the Wharton School andhis book Springboard: Launching Your PersonalSearch for Success, out in paperback this week, hasa great chapter on how to be more confident。


理查·谢尔现任教于沃顿商学院 ,他著作的《跳板:启动你的个人成功搜索》一书的平装版于本周与读者见面,书中有很精彩的一章内容是关于如何变得更加自信。

Here’s what you need to know。



1. Surround Yourself With People Who Believe in You

1. 和相信你的人一起

I’ve posted a lot about how the power of context can improve behavior. And people are a partof that。


When you’re told you’re good by someone you respect, you believe it. Partially it’s a placeboeffect. But that’s perfectly fine。


This creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. When you believe you can do it, you work harder. Whenothers believe in you, they push you harder。


Together, these things make you do better — so you have a reason to be confident. And thennext time, confidence comes easier。


Via Springboard: Launching Your Personal Search for Success:


The phenomenon of transferred expectations, also called a “self-fulfilling prophecy,” occursfor a combination of two reasons. The person holding the expectation treats the otherperson differently, giving him or her more challenging work to do. This leads to more learning.At the same time, the person receiving the suggestion accepts it as an accurate assessmentof his or her ability, and that in turn increases the level of effort the person gives。


The lesson here is plain: you should understand the power of being in a high-performing/high-expectation social environment versus a low-performing/ low-expectation one. Yoursocial setting can strongly affect what you believe is possible— and that will affect yourconfidence, the effort you expend, and the results you achieve。


2. Focus On Learning

2. 专注于成长

When you focus on learning, failure is just a part of the process and won’t shake yourconfidence。


Tests are not a gauge of self-worth or unchangeable, innate ability. They’re a measure ofhow much improvement you’ve made。


Building on the research of Carol Dweck, you want to have a “growth mindset”: Measureyourself by effort, not by results。


Via Springboard: Launching Your Personal Search for Success:


…repeated experiments have demonstrated the value of praising effort rather than innatetalent. If you are praised by others in the right way, this can lead you to praise yourself basedon your genuine effort when you accomplish something significant and discount commentsabout the role of your natural ability. You should ignore any result— good or bad— that comesafter you put in only a halfhearted effort. And you should be proud of any result that followshard work— even when the result is not what you had hoped…。


3. Create A Ritual

3. 开创让自己进入状态的仪式

What gets you in the zone? What gets you feeling ready? A cup of coffee? Preparation andreview? Playing a game on your phone?


Recent research from Harvard professors Michael Norton and Francesca Gino shows that ritualshave the power to make you more confident。


Francesca explained in my interview with her:


What we studied in this project was whether these rituals are really of beneficial effect in termsof bringing you confidence and potentially impacting your performance positively. That isactually what we found. What is interesting about the studies is that we also have physiologicalmeasures. What we find is that if you engage in a ritual prior to a potentially high anxietytask, like singing in public or solving difficult math problems, you end up being calmer by thetime you approach the task, and more confident in what you’re about to do. As a result ofthat, you actually perform better。


4. Accumulate Small Wins

4. 积累点滴的成功

Some Olympic athletes train in a way that is designed to build confidence。


Rather than focusing on the gold medal, they set smaller achievable goals and build fromthere。


By seeing themselves accumulate these little wins, their confidence grows and grows untilthey feel unstoppable。


Via Springboard: Launching Your Personal Search for Success:


In one of the best articles on Olympic training I have ever read, Daniel Chambliss tracked thetechniques used by USA Swimming to get its athletes ready to compete in the Olympic games.One of the common threads in this training was to focus on a series of “small wins” in trainingrather than on the larger goal of winning a medal. As Chambliss summarized it, the swimmers“found their challenges in small things: working on a better start this week, polishing up theirbackstroke technique next week, planning how to pace their swim。” As a result, they got thesatisfaction of “very definable, minor achievements,” which in turn gave them the confidenceto attempt more small wins each and every day。


5. It’s Rational To Do The Irrational

5. 即使看似毫无理性,也放手去做

This is a very rational blog. You, however, are not a very rational creature. So do what works,even if it seems irrational。


Research shows good luck charms do inspire confidence. And this improves performance ona variety of tasks。


Via The Courage Quotient: How Science Can Make You Braver:


The researchers found that by activating good luck beliefs, these objects were consistentlyable to boost people’s self-confidence and that this up-tick in self-assurance in turn affecteda wide range of performance. Lucky thinking, it turned out in this study, positively affectedpeople’s ability to solve puzzles and to remember the pictures depicted on thirty-six differentcards, and it improved their putting performance in golf! In fact, people with a lucky charmperformed significantly better than did the people who had none. That’s right, having a luckycharm will make you a better golfer, should you care about such things, and improve yourcognitive performance on tasks such as memory games。


6. Get To Work

6. 努力去建立自信

Yes, some people are naturally superconfident. Others fake it。


And you can, with some work, build confidence。


What did Alfred Binet, the inventor of the IQ test, say about intelligence?


Via Springboard: Launching Your Personal Search for Success:


It is not always the people who start out the smartest who end up the smartest。


The same is true of confidence。


