雅思考试大作文3篇 教育类




In some countries ,schools aim to provide ageneral education across a range of subjects ,inothers ,children focus on a narrow range of subjectsrelated to a particular career. For today's world,which system is appropriate?

Historically speaking, schools arose from the “academia” of Plato ,who primarily instituted thissociety as a place for both reflection andmeditation for the true meaning of life ,universeand our final aim as human beings. But this trendhas incurred some tough tests recently for a totallydifferent reason that Plato could not even dream of.As my own evaluation, the range of education cannot be just narrowed within those relatedto their future careers.

What comes into my mind is that these children are not born for a sole purpose of being aworker or something. Predetermining their future career is just as a moon in the water and willalso subject to great varieties of unknown possibilities coming directly in their future life. Theyare ,however, and firstly , a son or daughter and then a citizen ,then a holder to certaincareers. Therefore ,we can figure out a truth that cannot be truer: those intellectualequipments that can better them as a good child and citizen alike should also be included intheir both primary ,secondary and even tertiary education.

Closely next to my previous thought was that a solely-career-related education maymislead their own purpose of life. Surely a decent income is of great significance ,but it is farfrom the sole importance of life. If those youngsters are educated entirely for earning andenjoying their material life ,our society may gradually turn to one that overwhelmed with nothingbut the torrent of materialism and thus a world with nothing but just trading of Mammon andhis wealth. This impact is even worse than just narrowing one’s education scope.

Therefore ,I hereby object to limiting the sphere of education only to the children’s futurecareers but they should first of all become a complete human before making a prospectivewealth with full range of knowledge.


Time spent in campus is not always treated withgracious look, but some parents may choose otherways for the longevity of their children’s post-high-school period, namely, find the adolescents a job,rather than sending them to a college. I can findmyself against this act for a thousand reasons,amongst which we can figure some strongest onesas follows:

My first con against this behavior is thateducation is not just a benefit but also one’s rights. Without education , as Gorge Orwell hadonce said ,is to be deprived of the most precious privilege in our time as a modern man. Withcollege education , youngsters can choose a better way of doing thing correctly and moreefficiently. The sharp contrast between those who have received well education and thosewithout is not just financially, but more vitally, spiritually.

Admittedly, we can find cases of some one achieves without college education, but thesecases are famous only because they are rare. Those people who succeed with a college degreeare so many that this would seem to be a must and a natural part of elites. The absence ofuniversity education is hard to imagine in our days. The prospect of those juvenile workers orbusinessmen would be even dimmer than ever before .For in our age, knowledge is not only thepower, but also the know-how to solving problems and gaining a much larger fortune.

Therefore we should always encourage kids to further education and even more, we shouldfund those who cannot afford their college study, because their future is the future of ournation.


Is watching TV harmful or beneficial forchildren’s creativity?

TV is an essential part of leisure activities inmost families. However, some parents decide not tohave a TV set in their homes, in order that theirchildren will devote enough time to invention andcreation.

Do you agree or disagree with this attitude?

The invention of television, one of the productsof modern civilization, has made an enormouschange in the lifestyle of human beings. TV has beenplaying more and more important role in most families after work. Yet, as to whether it is ablessing or a curse, parents often hold widely different opinions and take totally differentattitudes.

There is suspicion in some parents’ minds that TV might retard their children’s creativeability or restrain kids’ imagination because TV viewers tend to receive information in a passiveway instead of discovering things by themselves. Although people working in the TV industryhave made lots of efforts to produce various programs, the outcome is usuallyunsatisfactory: either the program is too profound to be understood or the topic is notinteresting enough to attract TV audiences. Thus, watching TV is hardly a good way to inspirechildren’s creativity. In many cases, it can draw attention away from their studies and spoiltheir school education.

Despite the negative effects that TV produces, many parents still think that TV programsare quite helpful to their children’s mental development because these programs can broadentheir horizons and enrich their life experiences. Admittedly, some scientific, detective anddocumental programs like Discovery and National Geographic are so enlightening andfascinating that even little kids can be absorbed in. Furthermore, some well-chosen programscan motivate young children to diligent studies and in-depth researches. Hence, if parents canselect TV programs carefully, the advantages brought about by watching TV definitely outweighits disadvantages.

In summary, TV is like a double-edged sword that can be used in a positive or negativeway. Parents can make their own decisions about whether to have TV at their houses. It is theirresponsibility to make sure that their children’s creativity is enhanced through watching TV.

