


大学英语优秀写作范文篇1:可持续发展问题:前人栽树 后人乘凉


The images above are both meaningful and instructive: this man's hard work is not


The pictures serve to remind us that the existence of our current happiness and valuable national heritage is due to the struggles of our predecessors.

We, in turn, should also work hard in order to guarantee the comfort and safety of generations to come. Sustainable development has become a topic of heated debate in recent years. While it is justifiable to satisfy current demands, we cannot neglect the needs of

our descendants in the process. Our children also depend on Earth's natural resources and

terest of making a profit, without a single

tree planted in its place. This inconsiderate attitude towards the welfare of our

descendants, as well the indifference to the outcome of such reckless actions, can only turn Earth into a cold and lifeless planet. People must be taught to appreciate Earth as

not only their home, but also the home of our children and grandchildren, as well as all

While making great efforts to increase our current quality of life, we must

simultaneously consider how our actions will affect future lives. 译文:

上面的漫画意味深长而发人深省,栽树人的艰辛劳作不只是为了他自己,也是为了后人。 这幅漫画是为了提醒我们今天的幸福生活和宝贵的民族遗产归功于我们祖先的奋斗,而我们,





As can be seen from the drawings, the father has planted a small tree that grows into

a big one and is left to his son to enjoy. Years later, his son sits under the big tree

In social development, we should not over utilize our natural resources, as in the case of forests. A reasonable use of forests and reforestation are the best choices in the long run. Human beings should plan ahead when it comes to social development. Even though trees are in short demand today, we must still keep the deforestation under control, for we do not want to eliminate all of our forests, which are essential to our existence. Reforestation

is another wise practice. We may not fully benefit from planting trees for the time being,

but we must continue doing so, since it will benefit later generations.

From the point of view of sustainable development, we have the responsibility to ensure that future generations have enough natural resources to use and are not penalized for the shortsightedness of present day decision makers. In other words, we should not use up our natural resources just to meet our own present day needs, while ignoring the future of our planet.






大学英语优秀写作范文篇2:人生处处面临选择 如何选择是关键


This simple picture represents a situation that every person must face: when


Most viewers can empathize with the sense of hesitation and uncertainty embodied in such an image. Without exception, everyone has to make choices in life, whether they concern school, career, or love. While some choices are simple, one cannot avoid the task of


Choices are often directly related to one's happiness. University students,for example, face a hard and crucial decision upon graduating. Many students have difficulty deciding whether to continue studying or begin developing a career. Every individual is different, and one must take the factors of one's personal life into consideration. In addition to an awareness of specific circumstances, however, making the right choice also depends on correct appraisal of oneself.

Furthermore, once having made a decision, one should seriously accept and pursue the path one has chosen, and strive towards the realization of one's goal with spirit.


这幅简单的画表现了我们每个人都要面对的情况:走到叉路口了,该选择哪条路呢? 绝大多数读者都能感受到这幅画中包含的犹豫和彷徨。毫无例外,每个人在一生中都要多次做出选择——无论是涉及到学业、职业还是爱情。虽然有些选择很容易,但一个人无法回避艰难的选择。 选择通常直接关系到一个人的幸福。比如对大学生来说,临近毕业就面临着一个艰难而至关重要的选择——很多学生难以决定是继续求学还是开始自己的职业生涯。每个人的情况都不相同,所以一个人应该把自己生活的方方面面都考虑到。除了对周围特定的环境要有清楚的了解外,做出正确的选择还依赖于有一个正确的自我评价。因此,一个人为了做出正确选择,必须既现实又清醒。此外,一个人一旦做出了决定,就应该严肃地承认并奉行既定的路线,鼓起勇气为实现自己的目标而奋斗。


In the picture we can see a man standing at a crossroad with two similar roads, and trying to decide which way to take. In daily life we are often faced with such choices. More often than not, we have to make cardinal decisions independently. This moment is


In order to make a decision that we will not regret, we should bear these two principles in mind: thinking before acting, and never missing any opportunities that arise. On one hand, we should have an apparent, objective judgment about ourselves while maintaining a clear idea about the world around us. On the other hand, we should also think about opportunity. Many people may not quite agree with this and think that opportunity is so rare that only the luckiest people come across it. However, opportunity is open to everyone and one should make good use of it when confronted with it. One should take advantage of it just like the proverb states: “Opportunities are only from the prepared minds.” So when one is faced with choices the next time, remember that using the mind and taking advantage of good opportunities will pave the way to success.







大学英语优秀写作范文篇3:长远全面看问题:站得高 看得远


Drawings can be useful tools; a simple picture may reveal a profound truth. The illustration above, for example, is far from complicated, and yet carries deep


Such an image draws attention to the fact that people tend to be distracted by immediate benefits, or deterred by present difficulties. If one was to stand higher and take a broader

view, one could make wise, long-term decisions, as well as have a clearer sense of how to

The importance of keeping things in perspective is of practical significance to university students especially. When students face difficult decisions such as choosing between majors or careers, or deciding whether to continue with postgraduate education, they should consider their future life in broad terms. If you allow yourself to become preoccupied by immediate interests or discouraged by current obstacles, you might not


Nevertheless, it is important to realize that viewing our lives from a far is not equal

to aiming for an unattainable goal. Inexperienced youth must be careful to realistically

It is best to look beyond temporary needs and problems and keep one's present and future life in perspective.




对于大学生来说,富有远见并整体地看待事情尤其具有重要的现实意义。当面临一个不容易作决定的选择——诸如选专业、找工作,或是决定是否考研时,必须从长远的角度来考虑自己的未来。如果斤斤计较于当前的利益,或是囿于眼前的困难而踯躅不前,那是不会做出最明智的决定的。 不过,目光长远并不等于空谈海市蜃楼,意识到这一点是很重要的。缺乏经验的年轻人必须注




As can be seen in the drawing, a man is standing on top of the highest of many


If you want to be considered as the man who can see further than anyone else, you must stand on giant's shoulders. Needless to say, if you were to stand at the foot of a mountain, mountains would be all around you, surrounding you, blinding you. You can only see a small piece of the sky when looking up, just like a frog at the bottom of a well. If the frog

wants to see the outside world, it must jump out of the well to broaden its range of

vision. In science, researchers should not confine themselves to available materials that can be easily found. On the contrary, it is very important for them to go outside the norm and use as many materials as possible. A large number of scientific materials that have been defined by previous scientists can be regarded as the basis of present research. If we want to make more progress in our present study, we must base our research on previous


The more materials you possess in your base, the greater the potential. That is, the higher on the mountain you are, the farther you can see.






