(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)
【Dialogue 1】:
Snow: Have you got any experience in advertising?
Sam: Yes, I have been working in the Public Relations Section of a company for the past two years. I plan the advertising campaigns and cooperate with artists and a typographer. Sometimes I have to do the work of a specialist when there's something urgent.
Snow: Have you had any experience with computers?
Sam: Yes, I studied in a computer-training program, and can process data through the computer.
Snow: That's fine. What about operating the fax and duplicators?
Sam: I can handle them without any trouble.
Snow: How often do you work overtime?
Sam: I worked overtime several times a month.
Snow: 你有没有广告方面的从业经验?
Sam: 有,过去两年我一直在公司的公共关系部门工作,我曾策划了一系列的广告活动以及与艺术家、印刷工人的联系沟通事宜。当发生紧急事件时,有时我还需要分担一些这方面的专业工作。
Snow: 你有操作电脑方面的经验吗?
Sam: 是的,我曾参加过一个计算机培训项目,能够用电脑处理各种数据。
Snow: 很不错。操作传真机和打印机呢?
Sam: 毫无问题。
Snow: 你每隔多长时间加班一次?
Sam: 一个月几次吧。