中文: 莲藕
lotus root
紫米蒸熟, 藕去皮煮熟。
Steam the purple rice till done.
And she strung me along for almost two years.

But there must be something of the clinging vine about women.
Then cover its opening with the lotus lid cut off earlier and fix it with toothpicks.
Steam the purple rice till done.
Steam the purple rice till done.
Here in Shanghai, lotus roots are virtually precious delicacies.
Daylily lotus soup, tender crisp scent, cools the blood detoxification.
1. Skin lotus root . and grate . Then mix it with seasoning 2. 莲藕去皮洗净磨成茸,加调味搅匀.
2. Alwin: You are my little lotus root, I love you. 阿尔文: 你是我的小糖莲藕, 我爱你.
3. Combine mashed lotus root with octopus, chopped red ginger and corn flour. 莲藕茸加入鱆鱼 、 红姜碎及粟粉拌匀.
4. The place produces high - quality lotus. 这儿出产的莲藕特别白嫩.
5. Blanch lotus root slices in boiling water. Remove. 莲藕片放入滚水浸泡后取出.
6. With the method of complexing structure, amylose and amylopectin have beensuccessively separated and purified. 以反复水洗法提取莲藕淀粉,采用络合结构法成功分离纯化直链淀粉和支链淀粉.
7. Mix vinegar, salt and sugar, soak lotus root slices in the mixture until serve. 混合白醋 、 盐与白糖成醋汁, 再将莲藕片混入浸泡.浸泡一段时间后,即可食用.
8. After 7 months of operation , all the Acorus calamus was replaced byAlternanthera philoxeroides. 7个月后, 莲藕完全而被水花生所替代.
9. Peel and slice lotus root and turnip. Chop up chicken, roast duck and roastpork separately. 制法:1.莲藕、白萝卜刨皮,切片? 鸡 、 烧鸭及烧肉分别切件.
10. Honey beans, lotus roots, lily bulbs and carrots contain fibre and can helpmaintain intestines 蜜糖豆 、 莲藕 、 鲜百合和甘笋等蔬菜含高纤维,多吃纤维能畅通肠胃.
11. The fresh - cut lotus roots were treated with different compound color -preserving reagents, then stored at 8 ℃. 采用不同的护色剂组合对鲜切莲藕进行护色处理, 并在8℃条件下进行贮藏试验.
12. Lotus Root addition to the above effect, the treatment of some diseases,supporting the efficacy. 莲藕除了上述功效之外, 对一些疾病的治疗有辅助之疗效.
13. The effect of lotus root are Qingfei bleeding, tuberculosis patients areadvised to eat. 莲藕还有清肺止血的功效, 肺结核病人最宜食用.
14. Because they have the pink or white petal, a green stalk, a conglobatedlotus root. 因为它们有着粉红或白色的花瓣, 绿色的茎, 圆圆的莲藕.