



May: Aunt Cindy, do you shop online often?

Cindy: Yes. It's very convenient and the price is even lower.

May: Last week, I tried to buy some books online, but I didn't know how to pay for them?

Cindy: You should open an account at the online bank first. After that, you can buy anything online.

May: Are there many things online?

Cindy: Sure. You can find everything all over the world. Let's check it out online!

(They log in a shopping web site.)

May: Oh, what's this? Second-hand cellphone store?

Cindy: Yeah, this one is very famous with a good credit among on-line customers. It's like an open free market. If you want to change your cellphone for a new one, you can sell the old one here.

May: Really? How to do that?

Cindy: Take some pictures of the thing you want to sell, then upload it onto line with a brief description about it and leave your connecting number. Then your stuff will be sold by auction.

May: That's amazing. I'd love to try it later. Oh, an on-line virtual supermarket?

Cindy: Let's click to check it out.

May: Oh, I got it. It simulates the real supermarket, which makes it feel so real. Mom will love it. She loves shopping in supermarkets.

Cindy: No doubt about it. Shopping online will get more and more popular. It's a real revolution about people's consuming habits.

May: Are there any disadvantages about it?

Cindy: It takes some time for the stuff you buy online to arrive. But I think this problem will

阿美: 辛迪阿姨,你经常在网上购物吗?

辛迪: 是啊。这很方便而且价格还更加便宜呢。

阿美: 上周,我试着在网上买几本书,却不知道该怎么付钱。

辛迪: 你得先在网上银行开一个账户。然后,你就可以上网买东西了。

阿美: 网上的商品多吗?

辛迪: 当然了。你能买到全世界所有的东西。我们来上网看看吧。


阿美: 哦,这是什么?二手手机商店?

辛迪: 是啊,这家店很有名,它在网上顾客中有很好声誉。它就像是一个开放的市场。如果你想换一个新的手机,你可以到这里来把你的旧手机卖掉。

阿美: 真的吗?怎么卖呢?

辛迪: 先给你要卖的东西拍几张照片,把照片上传到网上,再附上物品的简要说明和你的联系方式,这样你的东西就会按照拍卖的方式在这里出售了。

阿美: 这真是太棒了。我以后一定要试一试。哦,有个网上虚拟超市?

辛迪: 我们点击进去看看。

阿美: 哦,明白了。它是仿照了真的超市,这使它像真的一样。我妈妈会很喜欢的。她最爱逛超市了。

辛迪: 毫无疑问。网上购物会越来越流行的。这是人们消费习惯上的一场真正的革命。

阿美: 那它有什么不足呢?

辛迪: 你在网上买的东西需要一点时间才能到你手中。不过我想这个问题很快就会被解决的。


凯西: Have you ever tried shopping online?


苏珊: No, never. I prefer to actually see and touch what I`m buying before I pay for it, especially for clothes and shoes.


凯西: That`s right. Seeing is believing.


苏珊: I`ve heard some friends say when they get the article, it`s quite different from what they see on the website advertisement.


凯西: That happens. Without close quality examination, we may encounter fraud, and the e-shop may suddenly disappear.


苏珊: What`s more, it`s not always so safe for us to pay online as hackers might steal the user name and password.


凯西: It`s said that some measures have been taken to deal with this problem. Paying online is much safer than before, but I still have the feeling that it`s not safe enough.


苏珊: I can`t agree more. That`s why I only do street shopping.


凯西: Me too. Sometimes I surf online shops to check some related information, and then go to a physical store to do the actual shopping.


苏珊: That`s a good idea.



L: What are you doing there, Jane?

J: Crazy about online shopping(网络购物).

L: Oh. it is new to me. Can you show me how to do that?

J: First go to the virtual stores, and care about the selection of goods.

L: What should I care about?

J: Pay attention to the price. picture and detailed instruction.

L: If things are chosen. what shall I do?

J : You can reach the seller through some chat softwares, or you can send an e-mail him.

L: And next?

J: After you have made the decision, you may order according to the instruction.

L: Is it safe for us to pay online?

J: Don't worry about that. You can get the protection of the law by using credit card and debit card.

