




Snow dance one season, three lane, love, like the beautiful blue sky, cloud, sometimes knowing the bottom of my heart; Half chi half drunk, miss fly, left side holes, graceful, splendid years, for deep feeling strong, sit in the snow, twisting words surrounding by the ink; Between pieces of carrying the expectations of dance, looking back, touch was cold freezing rain, was "coming events cast their shadows before them", scattered bleak neighbors, melancholy...

"Who read west wind cold, alone. And yellow leaves rustling hydrophobic closed window contemplation of the past went." like he's poetry, qingli graceful, gives a clean and pure memories; Beautiful sadness, faint acacia, in series between the lines, consistent affection, the world of mortals who read chi bound, cold wind and snow, a white paper, only the ink rain more understand, be like rain, a fallen snow month; See you smile, goodbye America laguna, only the strong long writing clear sleeve, knot QingHuan seen.

Winter if a sentimental poet, that snow is the poet's pen and ink, mei is the mood of the poet, the poet's soul; In this clever, hong mei particularly enchanting charm, a static movement, to the cool winter, a latent image; The touch of the feminine best back, the vast xue, a page of feelings of the boat, cruising among them; Comparable to that everything in the world, but also is a dust cloud, when the dust settled, if still stay with the pure clean, wouldn't it be great!

Known as the cold wind, cx to nowhere, empty, no one mentioned, brief snow, ignore it, "cx coagulation fai cold screen, mei flute has the night, more no one month oboro Ming." especially cold, indifferent to the point of view... When all the past, gradually become a blank page, used to silence to round tender feelings, miss; Taste of subway, old obsession, still touching tenderness look back; Coming back to the familiar smell, still cut one thousand times, wings lips; Reluctant to go back to the hometown of dreams, recreate the initial appearance, open air; Expect to sit in a week in January, the silent love, silent.

Scored a tree warm and love the one season in the winter; That one is red, in frost white dyed, blossom blossoming delusion, leaf of reading; White, red dance a van feelings, on a line; And then find the plum, the plum pour snow; Jean shaw song, feeling strong human; About the light, total, total is appropriate, the quiet Snow White like jade, mei wen run red such as chardonnay, jiao drops of charm, and silence silent, silent sound, everything between know, sleeping in between a smile!

Sleeping quietly silent, the Snow White in the road of time, and one piece falling in the core of the plum, melting in love thick palm; Wipe and fuschia red, light buckles one page twist ink water mirror, fall into the middle white, a little red, thrush, gently into the fundus, sinks down in the snow my heart; Somewhat, somewhat tender feelings, waiting for the warmth of the ying ying monohydrate, "is that you, finally come". If you well, is sunny, do you know?

In the winter, notice to sing dance a winter sonata, don't ask, don't now what ever, don't ask how to go tomorrow, met is the fate of relief; Gently, I came, silently I go, maybe used to be late, not glance, pink clothes, the memory dim moonlight of the veil; Red pink imprinting, knowing landscape known well, thin woven water cold mountain dream, title, love deeply; Clean the porch window of the seasons, in red mud small furnace, temperature of warm warm feeling.

Moderate's chi bound, smooth eyebrow eye in quiet time; Water, mountain, landscape color, a lift and a lift, dense color, draw the outline of a warm sun in winter; Clean snow, red plum, thriving, and a; This paper silent dialogue, even if the snow came the frost Huan, herein also still use tender feelings, curled up atop the good, keep touch, and time hobnob; In quietly creeping weed HuangYan, let grass luxuriant, let the memory of the desolate, twist sweet warm heart!

Sing a song in the winter, gently and slowly, walk in the sky are white, snow, walk in hong mei love snow, the whole leaning snow; At this time spend love affectionately, warm slowly!

雪舞一季,梅花三弄,情缘几分,堪那碧空流云,偶尔会意心底;半痴半醉,眷恋飞花,留一方别有洞天,山光水色,锦绣素年,欲以深情相许,静坐雪中,捻字墨纷飞;一片片承载了期望,翩翩起舞,回眸之间,触碰已是凉凉冰雨,已是“ 山雨欲来风满楼 ”,萧瑟近邻,忧郁散落一地......

“ 谁念西风独自凉,萧萧黄叶闭疏窗。沉思往事立残阳。 ”特喜欢纳兰的诗词,清丽婉约中,赋予了洁净纯粹的情思;唯美的忧伤,幽幽的相思,串联字里行间,始终如一的情,红尘谁念痴缠,瑟瑟风雪,一纸对白,唯有这墨雨更为明白,挥洒如雨,倾城雪月;再见莞尔,再见时倾国倾城,唯有那一世情长,挥洒清袖,云水清欢

