




A church has become an internet sensation after hundreds of people have flocked to see the face of a chicken within its walls。


With its large round windows resembling two eyes and roof tiles appearing as a beak, the so-called 'chicken church' is attracting an expanding fan club online。


The congregation at the Church by the Sea in Tampa Bay, Florida, say they regularly see passers-by stopping to get a memento of the unusual-looking building。


Its birdlike appearance is completed by the roof that spreads out like red wings。


Threads have appeared online dedicated to the building with hundreds of users wanting to find out more about the 'Chicken Church'。


Dee Dee Parker, a long term member of the Church by the Sea said the congregation is delighted that the building makes people happy but did not realise that they had become so popular online。


She said: 'It's so funny - we were completely unaware that it had become a hit on the internet. We see lots of people coming to take pictures of the church.'


The church on Madeira Beach was founded in in 1944 by a group of fishermen. It's light up cross has been used as a nautical landmark for the fisherman to guide them back to land.


The church's bird-like features are used as a compass to direct sea workers - its wings represent East and West, while its beak and tail symbolise North and South。




It has been the backdrop of U.S. presidential speeches in Germany for decades.


The Brandenburg Gate is one of Berlin's most famous landmarks.


Built in the late 1700s as a monumentto peace, Germany's fall in World War II turned it into a symbol of Cold War division.


At the gate in 1987, Ronald Reagan famously called for Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to teardown the Berlin Wall,


that concrete divide separating Soviet-controlled, Communist East Germany from theAmerican, British and French-controlled West.


It was the place where John F. Kennedy stopped for a visit before his famous 1963 "I am aBerliner" speech where the Soviets blocked his view into the East with red banners.

约翰·F·肯尼迪在1963年著名的 “我是柏林人”演讲前就是停留此处进行参观,而苏联人高举的红色旗帜阻碍了他进入东德的视线。

Where in 1994, Bill Clinton called the gate a "gateway" to a united post-Cold War Europe.


Where in 2008, then-presidential candidate Obama was to speak, only to change venues afterGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel objected to using the Brandenburg Gate for campaigning.


And now, where Obama speaks as president, nearly a quarter century after the gate reopened,following the fall of the Berlin Wall.


The Brandenburg Gate, sometimes a "tower of tyranny" as Clinton called it, but now back to itsoriginal purpose as a symbol of peace.




Ten years ago, the Turkish capital of Istanbul had no extremely tall buildings calledskyscrapers. Today, Istanbul is suddenly the skyscraper capital of Europe, thanks to a nationalconstruction boom. But recent construction accidents in the country have many peopleangry about worker safety.

So far this year, a record 1,500 workers have died in Turkey. Earlier this month, 10construction workers were killed when the brakes on an elevator failed. The workersplummeted – or fell suddenly – 32 floors down.

A woman screams for her lost son at his funeral. He was one of the 10 workers killed inSeptember's construction accident. Two twin teenage brothers who had started working theweek before were among the dead. Many workers claimed the accident was very likely.

The accident was widely reported by Turkish media. Thousands of protestors gathered indowntown Istanbul where the accident took place. They chanted, "It's not a work accident. It'smurder."

But police officers quickly ended the demonstrations by using tear gas and water cannons.Experts say public concern is growing about the health and safety of construction workers.

Cengiz Aktar is a professor of economics at Istanbul's Suleyman Sah University. He says thatTurkey has among the worst work safety conditions in the world.

"The lack of control, lack of worker safety and working environment are appalling. AndTurkey is ranked number one in Europe in terms of work accidents, and apparently numberthree after Algeria and El Salvador in the world. Observers qualify these work accidents as workassassinations."

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has promised to investigate this and other accidentsthis year. But he says that trade unions are part of the problem.

Mr. Davutoglu says laws are introduced and then there is nothing done to educate workersabout them. He says the trade unions should not raise their voices after these accidents.Unions should inform workers about their rights.

But trade union leaders say that the government's ruling AK Party needs to remove old anti-labor laws, introduced in the 1980s by Turkish military leaders.

Professor Aktar says many workers who go into construction are more concerned aboutsimply finding a job than finding a safe job. And many are not members of the trade union.

"It's an industry which employs probably millions of people. These are mainly former peasants.As Turkey is liquidating its agriculture, they have nowhere to go, and they are ready to acceptany job. So they don't look for safety, they don't look for social security. And, of course, theemployers hate labor [trade] unions, and the pool of unemployed is very sizable so they canlook for other workers to get rid of those who are at the labor unions."

Migrant workers from Turkey's rural Black Sea area built many of Istanbul's skyscrapers. Nearlyall of the construction workers killed earlier this month came from that area.

Most workers will return to the job, in 10 to 15 days.

But some will not be returning. According to Turkish media reports, about 20 men who spoketo the media about their safety concerns have been fired. That may mean they will be safe, butfor their families back home who depend on them for income, they will likely go hungry.

