知名摄影师Ashley Gilbertson
知名摄影师Ashley Gilbertson的作品具有一定的社会影响力,他关注战争、经济危机等一系列问题。小编给大家整理了有关他具体的介绍,分享给你们!
知名摄影师Ashley Gilbertson的生平:
Ashley Gilbertson2002年到2008年在伊拉克工作,这期间的作品为他赢得了好评,因为2004年在费卢杰的杰出工作“Qverseas Press Club”授予Ashley Gilbertson著名的“Rebert Capa Gold Medal”奖。
《Whiskey Tango Foxtrot》是Ashley Gilbertson的第一本书,在2007年出版并且成为了亚马逊网站前100名的畅销书。在那之后,Ashley Gilbertson开始创作照片集《Bedrooms of The Fallen》,一本详细记录在伊拉克作为服务人员的日常生活,包括生老和病死。其中这部作品的一小部分是委托纽约时报在2010年3月分出版。这些作品将由芝加哥大学编撰成书进行出版。
受纽约时报杂志和时代杂志的委托,在持续关注两场战争的同时,对于退伍军人中存在的创伤后应激障碍和自杀等问题,Ashley Gilbertson进行的广泛的关注和调查。
Ashley Gilbertson同时也和在VII Photo Agency的同事一起工作,并常常在博物馆个世界各地的大学举办演讲,与此同时,他进行全球范围的旅行,拍摄各种不同的故事。
知名摄影师Ashley Gilbertson的奖项:
2001 - Leica/CCP Documentary Award (Melbourne)
2004 - Photo District News '30 under 30' (Winner)
2004 - Publisher's Award, New York Times
2004 - Robert Capa Gold Medal, Overseas Press Club (New York) (winner)
2004 - Photographer of the Year, National Photo Awards (Minnesota) (winner)
2005 - Leica/CCP documentary awards (Melbourne) (finalist)
2005 - I.C.P. Infinity Award, (New York) (finalist)
2005 - Photo District News Photo Annual, (New York) (finalist)
2005 - Joop Swart Masterclass, World Press Photo (Amsterdam) (participant)
2006 - The Walkley Awards (Australia) (finalist)
2006 - Pictures of the Year International (honorable mention)
2007 - Association of American Publishers (honorable mention)
2007 - Written Press Trophy, Prix Bayeux-Calvados (finalist with Joanna
知名摄影师Ashley Gilbertson的作品:
Bedrooms Of The Fallen
Dress Rehearsal
The Great Recession In New York
Pontiac, Michigan
The Life & Lonely Death of Noah Pierce
Iraq - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Vienna - The First and Last Breath
New York City
知名摄影师Ashley Gilbertson的展览:
2011,Bedrooms of The Fallen,Look3 Festival of The Photograph
2010,The Great Recession,New York
2009,Title TK,Australian Embassy in Washington, USA
2009,Whiskey Tango Foxtrot,ArtsWeek at Indiana University, USA
2008,Memory of Fir,Brighton Photo Biennial, England
2008,Whiskey Tango Foxtrot,Obscura Gallery, Australia
2008,Unseen,Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai, China
2008,Over, Gallery 6, Staten Island, New York
2007,Battlespace: Unrealities of Wa,Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
2007,Whiskey Tango Foxtrot,GalleryBar, New York
2006,Beautiful Suffering: Photography and the Traffic in Pain,Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown
2006,MA Les Yeux Ouverts,Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
2006,War Fare,Museum of Contemporary Photography, Columbia
2006,War Fare,College, Chicago
2005,Ordinary,Arti et Amicitiae gallery, Amsterdam
2005,Leica Documentary Awards,throughout Australia
2006,MA Les Yeux Ouverts,Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
2006,War Fare,Museum of Contemporary Photography, Columbia
2006,War Fare,College, Chicago
2005,Ordinary,Arti et Amicitiae gallery, Amsterdam
2005,Leica Documentary Awards,throughout Australia