名词解释:儒家,是先秦诸子百家之一,其创始人是孔子。儒家在先秦时期和诸子地位平等,在秦始皇时"焚书坑儒"受到重创, 在汉武帝为维护专制统治"罢黜百家,独尊儒术"实施思想钳制后兴起。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
Last month, a major new development in ideas and commitments of Confucianism was launched. The Confucianists of China issued their first ever statement on the environment. In it they questioned the destructive basis of contemporary Chinese development and proposed instead a vision of humanity playing a caring role, not a destructive one.
This statement argues that what the world needs is a spiritual humanism founded on Confucian values: "What Mencius reminds us of is a core Confucianist value that this world is a precious heritage passed on to us from our ancestors and it is a resource entrusted to us by numerous generations yet to come."

文中的###Confucianism就是“儒家”的意思。文中还出现了两个相关的派生词,Confucianist 儒学家和Confucian 儒学的。今天是儒家创始人孔子(Confucius)的诞辰,文中提到的孟子(Mencius)也是儒家的代表人物之一,儒家的经典作品即《论语》(The Analects)
“儒释道”文化中的“释”,英文可作Buddhism(佛教),而“道”可译作Daoism(道教)。道家的代表人物为老子 Laozi(或Lau Tzu)和庄子 Zhuangzi(或Chuang Tzu),其代表作品为《道德经》(The Book of Tao and Teh)。