

以下是小编为大家总结了either 的用法 ,希望能帮助大家更好地掌握either这个单词,提高英语水平。

第一步 区别副词either, too, also


1. You haven’t seen him. I haven’t seen him, ___________.

2. I have seen the film before ,______________.

3. Are those cows black and white , __________?

4. She can ________ jump as high as 2 metres.

5. Neither of the students knows the answer, _________.

注意:含有too 结尾的句子变否定句时要改too 为either.如:

I have seen the movie and my brother has, too. (改为否定句)

I _______ seen the movie and my brother _______, _______.

第二步 区别不定代词 either, neither, both, all, each, none


either “两者中任意一个”, 单数,肯定;

each “每个,各个,各自”强调个体,单数 肯定;

both “两者都”, 肯定,复数; neither“两者都不”,否定,单数;

all “三个或三个以上都” 肯定,复数; none “三个或三个以上都不” 否定,单数


1. Both of the twins like football. Neither of the twins likes football.

2. All of the students have been to the park. None of the students has been to the park.

引导学生观察句子的变化,并小结方法: 找准否定词――注意主谓一致――保持时态一致


①可单独使用,在句子中当主语、宾语、或同位语。如:I like both . Either is OK.Neither is OK. Nothing is good for all. They each have a book.

②这些不定代词都可可以当形容词,修饰名词。如:Both guests have arrived. 两个客人都已到了。Both her fingers are broken. 她的两个手指都断了. All the windows are open.所有的窗子都开着。

③这些不定代词都可后接of + 名词/代词宾格的复数形式。如:Neither of the books is mine. Both of the boys are looking at the pictures. None of the doctors can save the girl. Either of them is right (两者中一个是对的). Neither o f them is right(两者都是不对) .Each of us is right.All of us are here.


1.Which would you like to drink, coffee or orange juice ?- ____. Please give me a cup of tea.

A. Neither B. Both C. All D. None

2. We have two bedrooms , but _____of the is big enough for six people to live in.

A. none B. both C. any D. neither

3. ----Which would you like, rice or noodles ? ----_______ is OK. I’m hungry.

A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All

4. Do you live by yourself , Mr. Wang?

Yes, I have tow sons. But ______ of them lives with me. They are now studying in America.

A. neither B. both C. none D. either

5. The students were all tired, but _______ of them stopped to have a rest.

A. none B. each C. either D. neither

6. On _______ side of the river, there are many tall trees.

A. every B. all C. both D. each

7. ---- Which of the tow English books will you buy ?

---- I’ll buy _______ of them, so I can give one to my friend, Tom.

A. either B. neither C. all D. both

8. The two players ______ from the same school.

A. both are B. are both C. all are D. are all

9. ---- Jim passed maths exam. What about Ben ? ---- ______

A. He did so B. So did he C. So he did D. Neither did she

10. ---- I didn’t watch the football match yesterday. What about you ? ---- ______.

A. So didn’t I B. Neither did I C. Neither didn’t I D. I didn’t neither

怎么区别Which of,Either of,neither of,both of,each of ,none of,all of ?

which of 解释为“……中的哪个”用于特殊疑问句开头

例句:Which of the sentences if true ?哪个句子是对的?

either of 解释为“两个中的任意一个”

例句:Either of the two sentences is true. 这两句句子中的一句是正确的

neither of 解释为“两者都不”

例句:Neither of the sentences is true. 这两句句子都不对

both of 解释为“两者都”

例句:Both of the sentences are true. 这两句句子都对

Each of 解释为“每一个都”强调具体的个体,不是强调整体

Each of us is right, 我们每一个人都是正确的。

None of 解释为“三者都不”接不可数,谓语用单数,接可数则谓语单复数均可与all of "两者都”谓语均用复数,这两个刚好是对反义词

None of us is / are right. All of us are right

So do I . / Neither do I 倒装句的使用







