



A: Good morning, I came from New York University.I am Cathy.


B: Good morning, Cathy. Can I help you?


A: I got the advertizement information in the newspaper. I am here applying for the position of tourist guide.

A:我从报纸上得到你们的招聘信息。我是 来应聘导游这一职位的。

B: Okay, there is a vacancy. What’s your major?


A: I majored in tour. I also studied economics of tourism, tourist market, tourist cultures, tourist etiquette science, guiding methods and techniques and etc. ?

A:我的专业是旅游,并且我也学了有关旅 游经济学、旅游市场、旅游文化、旅游礼 仪,还有导游方法、技巧等方面的知识。

B: Why did you choose our travel agency?


A: Because your travel agency has a high fame in the tour market, what’s more, all the staff here are working very hard. I like doing some challenging job.

A:因为你们旅行社在旅游市场上名望比较 高,再者就是你们这里的全体员工都很 敬业。我自己也想找一份有挑战性的工作。

B: Well, do you have any experience in guiding?


A: Yes, I only have few experiences, I guided a few groups of foreign tourist across South Africa last summer vacation. I showed them around some places of interest.

A:我有一点作为导游的经历。去年暑假我 带了一队外国旅游者去参观了南非,我 带他们参观了一些旅游景点。

B: Okay. Since I still have a meeting this morning, I’ll give you the answer tomorrow. Thafs all fpr today’s interview.

B:好的。由于我上午还有一个会,我明天 上午再答复你,今天的面试就到此为止 吧。

A: OK. Thanks for your offer. I am looking forward to receiving your reply.



A: Hello, Miss Zhou. Please sit down.


B: Thank you.


A: OK, shall we start? I’m David Stevens, the Director of Personnel Department of the Hot China International Travel A-gency. Nice to meet you.

A:那么我们开始吧?我是大卫史蒂文 斯,中国红国际旅行社的人力资源部主 任。很高兴见到你。

B: Nice to meet you, too.


A: So you probably know that this interview is mostly to test your oral English, so just relax, and let’s have a talk, OK?

A:现在你也可能知道这次面试主要是测试 一下你的英语口语水平,所以放松点,我 们随便谈谈,好吗?

B: With pleasure.


A: And at first please tell me your full name.


B: My full name is Liao Yan, Liao is my family name, You may call me VM-enne, my English name.

B:我的全名是廖燕,廖是我的姓。你也可 以叫我维维恩,我的英文名。

A: And would you tell me where do you come from?


B: All right. I come from Shenyang, Liaoning.


A: And how about your education background?


B: I got my primary school and middle school education in Shenyang, and entered Dalian Foreign Studies University when I was eighteen years old. I majored in English for Tourism at college. In addition to Chinese, my mother tongue, I can speak English and French fluently. And I got the bilingual tour guide certificate during my college life.

B:我在沈阳接受的中小学教育,18岁时我 考入了大连外国语大学,学习旅游英语。 除了我的母语汉语以外,我还可以流利地说英语和法语。在大学时我就拿到了 双语导游资格证书。

A: Do you think you are extroverted or introverted?


B: Well, I always enjoy being with a group of people and chatting with others. But when I come to reading, I prefer to be all by myself. In general, I'm quite outgoing.

B:喔,我喜欢和一大堆人聊天。但是读书 时,我还是喜欢一个人独处。不过总体 来讲,我还是相当开朗的。

A: Why do you want to be a tour guide? Do you know something about it?

A:你为什么要做导游呢?你对导游工作有 什么了解吗?

B: I like travelling and I also like meeting with different kinds of people.

B:我喜欢旅游,而且喜欢和各种各样的人 接触。

A: You know our company is a joint venture. We deal with Chinese travel service abroad as well as the foreigners travel service to China. And the Central and South China Branch of our company need more tour guides because of the expansion of our services. So when you're employed, you will probably work in the Central and South China area. Do you know something about the tourist sites there?

a:你知道我们公司是一家合资企业,我们 经营中国人的海外旅游业务和外国人的 中国旅游业务。随着业务范围的扩大, 我们的中南分公司目前急需导游。如果 你被聘用,你将被派往中南地区工作。 你了解那里的旅游景点吗?

B: In Central China there are Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, the Three Gorges in Yichang, Wudang Mountain in Shiyan, the Phoenix Ancient City in Hunan, and the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in Hunan. Actually I know a little about the tourist sites in central China. But I can learn from books.

B:中南地区有武汉的黄鹤楼、宜昌的三峡、 十堰的武当山,还有湖南的凤凰古城、张 家界国家森林公园。实际上我对华中地 区的旅游景点了解得不多。不过我可以学。

A: It doesn’t matter. As a northerner of China, it gives me a surprise that you know so much about the tourist sites in the area. How about the South China area?

A:不要紧。作为一个中国北方人,你知道 这么多这一地区的旅游景点,让我很吃 惊。那么华南地区的呢?

B: Er... the Landscape of Guilin, when I was ten years old my parents took me there, I enjoyed the scenery there very much.


A: And there is an island in that area, the second largest island in China, what is it?

A:华南地区还有一个岛,是中国第二大岛, 叫什么名字?

B: Let me see. Oh, the Hainan Island. Haikou and Sanya are the tourist cities in the island. The Wanquan River and the Five-Finger Mountain are famous all over China.

B:让我想想。哦,是海南岛。海口和三亚 是岛上的旅游城市。那里的万泉河和五 " 指山全国闻名。

A: Good. It seems that you won’t fail to answer my questions, though you say you know a little about the tourist sites in that area. Is there anything you want to ask about our company?

A.?很好。看来没有什么问题能难倒你,尽 管你说你对这一区域的旅游景点了解得 不多。那么告诉我你什么时候可以来上 班。对公司你还有什么要问的吗?

B: No. I just want to know that how long you will inform me about the result of the interview.

B:没有了。不过我想知道你们什么时候通 知我面试的结果。

A: Oh, I see. Actually I can assure you that you enter the second round inter-view of this post. And next time the manager of the Central and South China Branch will interview you. And we will call you in the next two or three days.

A:哦,明白了。我可以明确地告诉你,你进 了这一职位面试的第二轮。下一次我们 中南分公司的经理会面试你。大概两三 天后我们会通知你的。

B: Thank you, Mr. Stevens, for your kind offer.


A: We'll expect to see you several days lat-er. Thanks again for your coming.

A:那么,我们几天后见吧。再次感谢你能 来参加面试。

B: Not at all. Good-bye, Mr. Stevens.


A: Bye-bye.



A: What college did you graduate from, and what subject did you major in?

A:你是从哪所大学毕业的?主修什么科 目?

B: I graduated from Northwest University, and I majored in English.


A: Have you ever had any experience as a tour guide?


B: A little. I guided a few foreign tourists a-round Shanghai as a part-time job.

B:我有一点经验。我曾带领过一些外国游 客在上海观光,那是份兼职工作。

A: If there is a group of tourists who want to take a half day sightseeing in this cit-y, where do you suggest they go first?

A:如果有一批游客想在本市游览半天,你 会建议他们首先去哪儿?

B: I will give a few scenic spots and ask whether they have been to them. If they have not been there, I will suggest they go to the West Lake first.

B:我会提出几个风景点,问问他们是否去 过。如果他们没有去过,我就建议他们 首先去西湖。

A: If one of them forgot his camera in restaurant, would you let the tourist bus go back and look for it?

A:假如这批游客中有个人将他的相机遗忘 在餐馆,你会让游览车转回去寻找吗?

B: No. In fact, before they get off the bus and prior to their boarding the bus after taking their meal, I will make the same announcement to remind them that they should check their belongings at all times.

B:不会。事实上,在他们下车之前以及用 餐后上车之前,我都会发出内容相同的 通知,以提醒他们随时检查身上携带的 物品。

A: Good. Have you applied for any other companies?

A:回答得不错。你曾向其他公司申请过 吗?

B: No, this is my first application.


A: Do you want to know anything more?


B: No, thank you.


A: Are you prepared to do probationary months?


B: Of course.


A: Good Nice talking with you. Thank you for coming.


B: Thank you for giving me the opportunity. Good-bye.


