



Playing Fair 公平交易

Telling a vendor who they're bidding against is acceptable.How much they bid is a secret untilafter the winner is selected. In this dialoge,Bill 's bid lost and Masha discusses it with him.

Bill: So how did I do?

Marsha:Not too good, I'm sorry.

Bill:I lost?

Marsha:It was close.

To be honest, you had the lowest price by three cents per uint,but they didn't like yourdelivery date.

Acme promised them almost a full month sooner.

Bill:So the price was good?

Marsha:Yes,they loved the price;the delivery date was the problem. They just didn't want tocut the delivery date that close.

If something went wrong and you didn't deliver,we might not be able to get stock in time forChristmas.

If you could have been two or three weeks faster on delivery, they might have gone with you.

Bill: So I didn't miss by much then.

Marsha:No.It was very close and they argued over the bid for a long time. Better luck next time.

Bill:I knew the delivery was slow but I figured the price would win it for me.

Marsha:That's possible,Bill.

But the price would have to have been a lot lower, like around fifty cents per unit.


Honesty is the Best Policy诚实是上策


The following is an example of just how easy it can be. It could be face to face over the phone.Jack is selling speakers made in Taiwan,and Donna works for an American distributor.

Jack:Donna!How are you? It's good to hear your voice.

Donna:Thank you. Jack,it's always a pleasure doing business with you.

Jack:So how are things in the land of the free and the home of brave?

Donna:Great! And , how are things in your neck of the woods?


Jack:Things are so great here.


I almost smiled myself to death last week. One of my cowworkers had to give me CPR.


Donna:Oh.Jack,I have missed your sense of humor.

Ha ha ha! Nobody else sees things quite like you do.It's your gift.

Jack:Or a curse.

Donna:Nope,it's a gift.

Anyway,we need some more of those mid-range speakers you tricked me into buying last time.

Jack:That, my dear,was classic sales technique delivered by a professional.

Donna:Are you still gouging your customers the same price per unit?

Jack:Heck no, we doubled the price,but because it's you, I'll let you have'em at 50% off.

Heh,heh,heh!How does that sound?

Donna:You silver-tongued devil. Can't you ever just answer a question with a simple yes or no?


Jack:I could ,but where's the fun in that?


Now that the basic ground rules are set ,the details have to be cleared up. In the next stage ofthe negotiation, May learns what Mike needs and has to decide if she can do that.


May:What happens if we make a deal and thirty to sixty days after delievery the price goesdown and you didn't get the best possible price?


How do I handle that?


Mike:Well,these things happens,I know that. You just have to stay straight with me.


May:Right! So how do I do that? What will make you happy?


Mike:Well,I suggest you just keep me posted.That should do it.


That way the burden is on me to decide when to buy, not you.


May:Excuse me?


Mike:Yeah,it really is that simple.


Every time there's a change in the items we do business on , you let me know. That's all youneed to do .


May:What kind of change,just in prices?


Mike:No,any change.I want you to keep me as informed as you are.


I need to know as much as you do . If you hear about something that might happen,then tellme about it.


Tell me it's rumor, what it's based on and your opinion on how likely it is.


May:You mean on product availability,reliability and price?


Mike:No ,everthing.


Those things for sure,but also labor problems,raw materials,new subcontractors,mergers,inshort,anything and everything.


So I can make a fully informed decision.


MaY:So it's like you want me to be your eyes and ears into the indutry.


I can do that,provided the company I'm working for isn't hurt.


Mike:I think we'll get along fine.


