


关于六年级英语短文:Beach Volleyball-Sports-Passion


The best things about volleyball are the sense of teamwork and the interaction between players.Students and school teams often play in their gyms.Friends and families set up nets in a park and play there.Sometimes,even neighborhoods put together their own teams to compete with each other.


Beach volleyball is the best.We often play with strangers near by on the beach,and it is always fun meeting new people.The teams can be all men,all women,or mixed.Usually we take turns,so each group can rest and watch other people play.


Sometimes we would have a barbecue on the side.Austin always seems to have an unlimited supply of ice-cold beer in his car,and Caroline somehow has everything we forgot to bring.Next week,we will be holding a tournament.Vincent came up with the idea,so he has been organizing the whole event this week.It will be fantastic;I heard that there is a bikini contest happening on the same day.


关于六年级英语短文:Grade Point Average-Talks-Education


Applying for college can be a source of pressure for high school seniors who want to go onwith their education.


Before the end of the first semester,seniors have to decide which colleges they want to applyto,and fill out their applications.Then they will request official copies of their own transcriptsand ask some teachers for recommendation letters.


On top of that,colleges look at a student's GPA.It is the average score of al the classes.Sinceteachers only give letter grades,GPA is calculated by changing the letters to numbers andtaking the mean.To convert a letter grade,an A is 4;B,C,D,and F are 3,2,1 and 0,respectively.


In order to have a high GPA,students must get good grades during all eight semesters.A singlesemester's low GPA will bring down the average,and this will be very hard to make up for.




I recently graduated from a pharmacy school.Now I work as a staff pharmacist in a local drug store.My supervisor has a Doctor of Pharmacy degree.He oversees the entire operation.


Although it is a rather small pharmacy,we do carry most of the prescription drugs on a daily basis.I case the prescribed drugs are not available in stock,I can usually place an order for them in less than 24 hours.


Most of our clients are senior citizens.Some of them come in quite frequently,and the most prescribed drug is the painkiller.I have learned how to file prescription insurance claims,divide drugs into small packages,and locate the right direction labels for the pills.


I take my job very seriously because it directly affects people's health.A responsible attitude is a must because any careless mistakes can lead to grave consequences.


