雅思大作文范文 媒体类




The consuming behaviors are influenced bydiversified factors, such as impulse, self-satisfaction, curiosity, and so on. But the mostinfluential factor is the promotion of products onTV commercials and advertisements. Advertisementsare changing our consuming ideas and behaviors.

It is hard to date back to the exact date whenadvertisements started. The emerge ofadvertisements is beneficial for both the purchasers and manufacturers, for the former can beinformed of the latest products, together with their novel functions and usages, which meetthe needs of consumers, and the latter, undoubtedly, can make larger margins and gainreputation through the publicity of products. In a word, advertising is like a go-betweener,who helps the manufacturers to find the best buyers.

Advertisements change our consuming behaviors, according to the recent surveys carriedout by some institutes. The colors, music and slogans of advertisements are likely to stimulateaudiences’ desire to buy regardless of their real needs. Housewives often complain that theyalways buy the things useless at all, and that their purchasing decisions are made on impulse.Some advertisements often exaggerate the effects and functions of products, which inducesconsumers to make wrong decisions. What’s more, some people, especially youngsters like topursue fashion. In their eyes, advertisements represent vogue and the trend of socialdevelopment.

In brief, we cannot do without advertisements, which are the main means of promotion.Nonetheless, we should be more rational when facing the allure of advertisements. Ifmanipulated by advertisements, we will act like a puppet, without any creativity.


Nowadays there is a large amount of violence in films and on television. I agree that thegovernment should take some effective measures to control the amount of the violence inorder to decrease the violent crimes in society.

Although we cannot establish a simple, direct, cause-and-effect relationship between mediaviolence and violence in our society, there has been extensive research indicating that thosewho as children are exposed to violent TV shows or films are much more likely to later beconvicted of crime. Because as the main mass media, TV and films can be a powerful influence indeveloping value systems and shaping behavior, especially to the young people. A case in pointis that the study shows girls who watch more than an average amount of violence tend tothrow things at their husbands, and boys who grow up watching violent TV shows are morelikely to be violent with their wives.

Another reason is that too much media violence makes people become "immune" to thehorror of violence and gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems. They may thinksociety justice cannot be realized in reasonable and fair ways. Violence worship becomes moreand more popular among some young people, which will pose a potential danger to thesecurity of society.

The government should be aware that TV or film violence would not disappear even if theharms can be realized widely. Violence is being used as a superficial way to attract and holdaudience. In order to decrease the violent crimes in society the government should establishstrict laws to control or even prohibit the violence on TV and in films.


These days it is easy to find faults with advertising, and yet none can deny entirely that this artof persuasion is good for economy. By circulating information mixing half truth with half lying,advertising can nevertheless penetrate the public mind with desires even for somethingworthless. All told, however, advertising is doing more good than evil.

To think that advertising is bad is understandable, and indeed there seems to be a commonperception growing increasingly negative. Perhaps history will see advertising as one of thereal evil factors of modern time because it is stimulating people to constantly want things;want this and want that. It is true that many consumers are convinced to spend money theydo not have for things they really do not need. It is also true that the high sales of popularconsumer goods is a reflection of the power of advertising rather than the real needs of thesociety in which they are sold. That kind of "impulsive buying" as consumer behavior can easilyturn need into greed. Apart from misleading people to desire something not necessary orcompletely useless, advertising is surrounding them nearly everywhere and anytime on the pointof boring them to death.

The good news is that advertising serves market economy well, thanks in part to the mediaoutlets like television, radio, newspapers, magazines and the Internet. Through the media,particularly television, advertising gives people a chance as consumers. People are told aboutnew products and services that improve their lives. In fact, economy is at its best when theadvertising industry is booming, imagining that when people are starving and freezing thereshould be no advertising whatever to sell food and fuel. Advertising holds a mirror to anaffluent society in a virtuous cycle benefitting many sectors. More advertisements mean moremoney to all media outlets, which in turn boosts more sales, which in turn pushes moreproduction and creates more jobs and therefore more buying power.

Those who think that advertising is bad must think again about the value of a market systemwhich thrives on economic prosperity. Contrary to popular belief, it seems that mostconsumers do not hate advertising because of their own foolish desires. They are aware thatprobably half the money they spend on advertising is wasted, without knowing clearly whichhalf.

