A road safety campaign to promote safer driving and avoid reckless driving has been launched, China's Ministry of Public Security said Friday.
During the campaign on Thursday, police around the country caught 14,280 drivers for speeding and 760 motorists for carrying too many people and gave subsequent punishment. Police also punished 13,782 cases relating to overloading and 2,196 drivers for tiredness while driving, the ministry said.

“###reckless driving”在文中解释为鲁莽驾驶。“reckless”是形容词,解释为鲁莽的、不计后果的,例如:reckless action 鲁莽的行为、reckless driver 鲁莽的司机。
此外,文中与道路安全相关的词汇还有:road safety 道路安全、safe driving 安全驾驶、overload 超载、speeding 超速行驶、tiredness while driving 疲劳驾驶。