





son's wife


求媳妇 Seeking wife

中国媳妇 Chinese Wives

三个媳妇 Three Daughters-in-law

你媳妇 Your wife ; Your daughter-in-law

美好媳妇 Hades Project Zeorymer

娶媳妇 to get oneself a wife ; 1.to take a wife; 2.to get a daughter-in-law


1. You should make preparations in good time for your own wedding . We don't want to find , when the time comes , that we've forgotten this, that and the other.

把你娶媳妇应办的事早些料理料理, 免得到时丢三落四的.

2. An old woman seated near him sighed, what a daughter - in - law !

身边一个老太太叹息说:“唉, 多好的 媳妇 呀 !

3. " Here is my ten yuan, young lady . Please take it "

“ 拿着吧, 媳妇,我这儿也有十块钱. ”

4. " Daughter - in - law , let's start making dumplings for the Festival! "

“ 媳妇, 快包饺子,过年! ”

5. You married me for my money, didn't you? "

你不是娶媳妇呢,是娶那点钱, 对不对? ”

6. It's a mercy he did not bring us over a black daughter - in - law .

总算运气好,他没有给咱们娶个黑漆漆的 媳妇 儿回家.

7. Because of Third Daughter - in - law's illness, Fang Tun - weng developed an interest in the study of family medicine.

方遯翁为了三 媳妇 的病, 对家庭医药大起研究的兴趣.

8. Ai, the way daughters - in - law are nowadays , how can you still expect her to be filial?

唉, 现在的媳妇, 你还希望对你孝顺 么 ?

9. Go home and learn how to behave so that he will not beat you. "

好好学学应该如何当媳妇,他才不会打你. ”

10. Unfortunately my Sichuan food turned out to be a fiasco.


11. His family firmly disapproved of his marrying a digamous wife.


12. She failed in her obligations as a good daughter - in - law .

她未做到一个好 媳妇 应尽的义务.

13. On the third day there was a wedding at Cana - in - Galilee.


14. Their daughter - in - law was listening from the other corner of the house.

他们的 媳妇 在屋内的另一个角落聆听他们谈话.

15. His wife looked adamant.


