Unit 1 Will people have robots?
一切将都免费 Everything will be free
使用某物做某事 use sth. to do sth.
被使用做什么 be used to do
习惯于 be used to doing sth
过去常常 used to do sth
study at home on computers
活到200岁live to be 200 years old
在一百年以后in 100 years
更少的空闲时间less free time
将会有更多 / 更少的污染。
There will be more / less pollution.
更少地使用地铁use the subways less
拥挤 be crowded
在大学 be in college
你认为萨利五年后将会成为什么?What do you think Sally will be in five years?
住在一所公寓里live in an apartment
乘火箭飞往月球fly rockets to the moon
住在太空站live on a space station
爱上 …fall in love with …
作为一名记者as a reporter
独自生活 live alone
一个寂寞的人 a lonely person/man
养一只宠物鹦鹉 keep a pet parrot
去滑冰 go skating
看上去很精神look smart
穿套装 wear a suit
在工作日期间 during the week(days)
在周末 at the weekends
穿着更随意 dress more casually
在一张纸上 on a piece of paper
赢得下一个世界杯win the next World Cup
获奖win awards
做着玩 do for fun
从现在起二十年内twenty years from now
为…工作work for…
穿校服上学 wear a uniform to school
飞往月球度假fly to the moon for vocations
预测未来predict the future
做预言make a prediction
实现, 达到 come true
其中最大一家电影公司的总裁 the head of one of the biggest movie companies
in some science fiction movies
在未来in the future
如今,今后in future
帮助做家务活help with the housework = help do the housework
成百的hundreds of
与…做一样的do the same things as…
尽力做某事 try to do sth.
试着做某事try doing sth
使某人做某事make sb. do sth.
看起来更像…look more like…
做简单的工作 do simple jobs
一遍又一遍 over and over again
不想做某事 would not like to do sth.
厌倦 get / be bored
有更少的工作要做have less work to do
许多不同的形状many different shapes
一些…, 其他… some…, others…
帮助做某事help (to) do sth./help with (sth.)
电动牙刷 electric toothbrushes
Unit 2 What should I do?
不让…进入 keep out
想要某人做某事want sb. to do sth.
太大声播放CD片play the CD too loud
与某人争吵 argue with sb.
过时的,落伍的be out of style
时髦的,流行的 be in style
write sb. a letter = write a letter to sb.
打电话给某人call up sb. = call sb. up
一张球赛的票a ticket to a ball game
sth. surprise sb. = sb. be surprised at sth.
怎么了?What’s wrong? / What’s the matter?
电话谈论此事talk about it on the phone
付款pay for sth.
挣钱get some money
找一份兼职工get a part-time job
向某人借某物 borrow sth. from sb.
把某物借给某lend sb. sth. = lend sth. to sb.
向某人索要某物 ask sb. for sth.
青少年论坛Teen Talk
为某人买某物buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.
请家教 get a tutor
与…一样the same as…
不昂贵be inexpensive
与我一样的发型have the same haircut as I
需要帮助 need help
发现,查明find out
其他的每个人everyone else
做错事 do wrong
心烦, 沮丧be upset
know what to do = know how to do it
把某物忘在某地 leave sth.+地点
运动服sports clothes
邀请某人做某事invite sb. to do sth.
生某人的气 be angry with sb.
考试不及格 fail the test
通过考试pass the test
be the same age as sb. = be as old as sb.
get on ( well / badly ) with sb.
把某物归还给某人return sb.sth.= return sth. to sb. = give back sth. to sb.
与某人打架have a fight with sb.
给某人建议give sb. some advice
请你做…,好吗? Could you please do sth.?
课后活动 after-school activities
足够…adj. + enough
从…到… from…to…
直到…才… not…until…
迅速地吃晚饭have a quick supper
It’s time for sth. / It’s time to do sth.
格林一家the Greens
fit as much as possible into the kids’ lives
处于太大的压力中under too much pressure
抱怨(做)某事complain about (doing) sth.
take part in after-school clubs
没什么新鲜的nothing new
好象要做某事 seem to do sth.
看到某人做某事see sb. do / doing sth.
一位三个孩子的母亲a mother of three
了解know about
把…送到…去send … to …
各种各样的…all kinds of…
把…和…相比 compare … with …
find / think + it + adj. + to do sth.
为某人计划某事 plan sth. for sb.
在一方面 on the one hand
在另一方面 on the other hand
need time and freedom to relax
自己做事情do things by oneself
Unit 3
在…的(外部)前面in front of …
在…的(内部)前面in the front of …
在理发店in the barber shop
睡懒觉 sleep late
电话聊天talk on the phone
淋浴出来get out of the shower
从… 出来get out of …
剪发cut hair
航天博物馆 the Museum of Flight
在某地降落 land + 地点
沿着街道走 walk down / along the street
报警 call the police
起飞 take off
have an unusual experience
跟随某人做某事 follow sb. to do sth.
某人感到惊讶sb. be surprised
at 9 o’clock last Sunday morning
你在开玩笑! You’re kidding!
爬树 climb a tree
恐惧 be scared
(从…) 跳下jump down (from…)
朝某人喊叫 shout to sb.
(外来物)在树上in the tree
(本身长)在树上on the tree
骑自行车 ride a bike
警官police officer
一份报纸a newspaper
跑开, 逃跑 run away
喊某人的名字 shout / call one’s name
在车站外 outside the station
绕着…走 walk around …
想到做某事think about doing sth.
往外看 look outside
发生了什么事? What happened?
某人发生某事 sth. happen to sb.
起床get out of bed = get up
飞往…的航班a flight to …
在诊所 at the doctor’s
在汤姆家 at Tom’s
生病住院 be ill in hospital
赢得金牌 win the gold medal
在历史上in history
one of the most important events
in modern American history
在这天 on this day
在…城市in the city of …
听说 hear about
日常活动 everyday activities