With just a few weeks left until the start of the 2016 Olympics, Brazil is still suffering fromserious economic problems. The acting governor of Rio de Janeiro warned that the games couldbe a "failure" if his state doesn't get its finances in order.
Brazil hasn't followed through on a promise to provide Rio with extra funding for security andtransportation, according to Dornelles. Police officers in the city aren't being fully paid and maynot even have enough money for gas.
The missing funds are just the tip of Brazil's iceberg of turmoil.
A functioning police force and transportation system are necessary, given the rising crime inRio. Murder and robbery are up 15 percent and 30 percent, respectively, since last year, NPRreports. The city is trying to get new buses off the ground to help tourists avoid the favelas —areas vulnerable to violence, theft and gang activity.
Political Unrest
After months of protest from angry Brazilians, the Senate last month voted to impeachPresident Dilma Rousseff over allegations that she lied about the country's economic issues.Rousseff and several members of her cabinet are also accused of making billions off of thestate-run oil company Petrobras.
Wealth Gap
Economic inequality has long been an issue in Brazil. Recent figures indicate that theunemployment rate topped 11 percent last month. Wages are also down. Meanwhile, thoseinvolved in the Petrobras scandal are said to have made over $5 billion from bribes, kickbacksand money-laundering.
The Worst Recession In Decades
Brazil is facing one of the worst recessions the country has ever faced. The economy shrank 5.4percent in the first three months of the year, the government said. Additionally, as FT pointsout, export prices have shrunk, household debt has increased, and inflation has risen evenmore than expected.
Zika Fears
The recent outbreak of the Zika virus has lead to athletes, journalists and other travelersvowing to skip the August games. Although the symptoms of Zika aren't serious, the virus canlead to severe birth defects if contracted by a pregnant woman. There are currently noeffective treatments or vaccinations.
About 450,000 condoms will be distributed during the Rio de Janeiro Olympics, three times more than for the London Games four years ago, the International Olympic Committee says.
Part of the reason was because 100,000 female condoms will be available for the first time, along with 350,000 condoms for men. About 175,000 packets of lubricant are also being supplied.
The IOC says the condoms would encourage 10,500 athletes and staff to practice safe sex.
It's not clear if the increase is related to Brazil's outbreak of the Zika virus. The reporters asked the question of the IOC in an email on Friday but did not receive an immediate response.
The Zika virus is carried by mosquitoes, but can also be transmitted sexually. The virus is linked to microcephaly, a condition in which babies are born with undersized brains and skulls.
The condoms will be distributed free from a clinic in the Athletes' Village, or from vending machines. The village opens on July 24 with the Olympics opening on Aug 5.
Brazilian newspaper Folha de S.Paulo, citing the IOC and local organizers, said the increase was not related to the Zika virus.
Australia are refusing to move their athletes into the Rio Olympic Village because of concernsabout the state of their accommodation.
Problems include "blocked toilets, leaking pipes and exposed wiring", according to team bossKitty Chiller.
Chiller said she had raised concerns with local event organisers and the International OlympicCommittee, and was "pushing hard for a solution".
Australian staff are in nearby hotels with the first athletes due on Monday.
Alternative accommodation for team members arriving over the next three days has beenarranged.
Chiller, the head of Australia's Olympic delegation, said extra maintenance staff and more than1,000 cleaners have been engaged to fix the problems but the faults, particularly theplumbing issues, have not been resolved.
She said in a statement on the Australian Olympic website: "Due to a variety of problems inthe Village, including gas, electricity and plumbing, I have decided that no Australian teammember will move into our allocated building.
"Problems include blocked toilets, leaking pipes, exposed wiring, darkened stairwells where nolighting has been installed and dirty floors in need of a massive clean."
The British team have had staff in place for several days and a spokesman told Reuters: "Weare confident that our accommodation is ready to receive athletes and will be to the higheststandards within the village.
"Whilst we have encountered some maintenance difficulties this is not uncommon with newbuild structures of this type and we have been working hard to overcome them."
The 31-building village will house 18,000 athletes and officials at the height of the Games, whichstart on 5 August.