


有关初三英语笑话:The Stories Are Still in Them(故事还在里面)

During a visit to my mother' s home, I joined her in the living room to talk, read and watch television. Facing a bookcase that has been in the same spot since I was a child, I let my eyes wander over the familiar volumes, many of which now have faded covers and frayed bindings.

"These books look so sad," I remarked. "Maybe we should go through them and tosssome."

My mother stood up and went over to the shelves. She took down several books, turned a few pages and replaced them. Then she returned to her chair and quietly said, 'They are just fine. The stories are still in them.

有关初三英语笑话:Older Goats in America(美国老羊)

A group of Americans were traveling by tour bus through Holland. As they stopped at a cheese farm, a young guide led them through the process of cheese making, explaining that goats' milk was used.

She showed the group a lovely hillside where many goats were grazing. These, she explained, were the older goats put out to pasture when they no longer produced. She then asked, "What do you do with your older goats in America?"

A spry old gentleman answered, "They send us on bus tours!"

有关初三英语笑话:Lose One Pound(减掉一磅)

I complimented one of my co-workers on having lost ten pounds. However, I couldn't resistbragging that when I was 17, 1 weighed 225 pounds and today I tip the scales at 224. 1 added, "That's not bad for a man of my age."

Overhearing this, a woman remarked, "You mean to say it took you all this time to lose one pound?"

有关初三英语笑话:Back Up Two Miles(退后两英里)

A farmer and his son, traveling by horse and buggy up a narrow lane, met a motorist going the other way. There was no room to pass for two miles in either direction. The motorist, in hurry,honked his horn .

"If you don't back up," said the farmer, rolling up his sleeves, I won't like what I'm going to have to do." The surprised driver put his car in reverse and backed up two miles, allowing the horse and buggy to go by.

"What was it you wouldn't have liked to have done back there?" asked the farmer's son.

"Back up two miles," replied the farmer.

有关初三英语笑话:Who Was That Man(那男子是谁)

The owner of a small travel agency saw an attractive couple gazing at his travel poster. Suddenly inspired, he ran up and told them his idea. "I'll give you an all-expenses-paid vacation in exchange for appearing in ads endorsing my agency." They agreed on the spot.

Three weeks later he met them at the airport. While the man checked on their baggage, the travel agent asked the woman about the trip. "The food on the cruise ship was wonderful," she said, — and flying the Colorado was a thrill. But I do have one question. Who was that man I had to sleep with every night?"

