名词解释:破产保护(bankruptcy protection) 破产保护是指不管债务人是否有偿付能力,当债务人自愿向法院提出或债权人强制向法院提出破产重组申请后,债务人要提出一个破产重组方案,就债务偿还的期限、方式以及可能减损某些债权人和股东的利益作出安排。这个方案要给予其一定的时间提出,然后经过债权人通过,经过法院确认,债务人可以继续营业。这就是重整的概念,在中文中又叫破产保护。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
The city of Detroit filed for federal bankruptcy protection last Thursday, making the automobile capital the country's largest-ever municipal bankruptcy case.
The financial outlook has never been bleaker for the Motor City, which has shrunk from its peak of nearly two million people in 1950 to 700,000 today.
Hurt by a flight of residents and businesses to the suburbs, cuts in state aid and a crash in real-estate values, Detroit borrowed to meet operating costs.

文中###bankruptcy protection译为破产保护,其中bankruptcy含有“破产、倒闭”的意思,相关的短语有declare bankruptcy(宣告破产),bankruptcy debtor(破产债务人),voluntary bankruptcy(自愿申请破产)等。
另外,municipal在本文中解释为“城市的、市政的”,如municipal government(市政府),municipal hospital(市医院)。