



分数和能力The Score and Ability

Since I go to school, it is important to take the high score, because not only my parents feel very happy, but also my teacher will give me special attention. It seems that high score is the main goal for every students. It has been long recognized that foreign students are good at practising while our students are good at getting the high mark. Score and ability which is more important, I think the latter is more useful. The things we learn should be prepared for our future. The students are in the stage of storing knowledge, when they meet challenges someday, they can have the ability to solve the problems. Having the ability to solve problems by oneself reflects the person is independent and he has already grown up. That’s what education chase for.




身体锻炼Physical Exercises

As you all know, the study work is heavy inhigh school. There are often more than courses a day including the evening.That will take more than hours in study a day, and without weekends. Thestudents in high school are exhausted after school and not willing to do the physical exercisesanymore. In fact, it is not only very bad for health but also bad for study. Theteenagers have to do enough exercises to keep healthy and growing tall. Anddoing physical exercises can make a people strong and lighten one up,refill the energy to study more efficiently. So, the high school studentsshould do physical exercises. They can do some sports, such as playingfootball or basketball, running, swimming and so on.





Everyone has a hobby, some people like swimming, some people like playing video games. Fishing is my father's favorite hobby. He goes fishing every Sunday morning, and goes home in the afternoon.My hobby is playing piano. I started playing piano from five years old. I like to play it after school. I have a plan, I want to play a birthday song for my mother, because next monday is her birthday. I think she will like my present very much.




参加锻炼Taking The Exercise

Today, as the development of the electronic products, people like to use the electronic products very much. They count on these products because they are so convenient and funny. So people pay a lot of attention on the electronic products, most people even don’t like to go out and they spend all the day playing the computer games. Staying too much time indoors is not good for people’s health, they need to walk out of the house and take the exercise. It is advised that we should take exercise for an hour everyday. We can take the jogging early in the morning or in the evening, we not only can take in the fresh air, but also can see the different scenery. If we take the regular exercise, we will keep the strong body and when are old, we can go any place we want to.




我的表妹My Cousin

I am one year older than my cousin. Both of us are the only child in the family, so my cousin and I are very closed, we are just like the sisters. I like to share my secret with my cousin, because I don’t want to tell my parents. My cousin is a good listener, when I feel not happy, I will tell her about my annoyance, then she will comfort me and make me feel better. When Friday comes, I will ask my cousin to sleep with me, we will talk about a lot of things. I am so lucky that I have a cousin as my good friends.




What Can Money Bring Us(钱能给我们带来什么)

What Can Money Bring Us

Today more and more people wish to get more money. They think money is everything. They say, "Money makes the mare go." If they have a lot of money,their dreams will become true, living a happy life, having a good house to live in, owing a famous car to drive and so on. In a word, they can do everything they like with, money. They can get whatever they want.

In a way, of course, money is really very important to us‘ all. Without money,we can do nothing and can‘t live on. But we must know that money can‘t bring us everything. With money, we can buy many things indeed, but we can‘t buy knowledge, precious time, true love and so on. These are the most precious things in the world. If a person has none of them, though he has a great deal of money, he is still poor. Not all people can become rich. In order to get more money, some people even break the law, stealing, robbing, cheating or doing something wrong. At last they get punished and even sent to prison.

However, money can bring us not only happiness but also misery. If money doesn‘t bring people real happiness, it has no value itself. We must know clearly that money doesn‘t mean everything.







结果不是那么的重要 The Result Is Not That Important

When people start to set the goal, they will think about the result immediately, of course they want to get the best result. If people can predict the result, most of them will give up by knowing the unsuccessful ending. It seems that if the result is bad, what people work for is meaningless. Well, in my opinion, the process of fighting for the goal is much more important than the result. When we fight for our goal, we will do our best and try to improve ourselves, even we fail in the end, but when we look back at the beginning, we can find that we are no longer the childish ones, we have grown up and become mature. What’s more, on the process of fighting, we get close to success, as the saying that fail is the mother of success. So don’t treat the result so serious, just enjoy the process.




Should Students Make Friends On Line?(学生应该网上交友吗?)

Should Students Make Friends On Line?

Should students make friends on line? Some people say yes. The Internet helps make many friends. Chatting on line, students can express their feelings and opinions more freely, and even get help with their foreign language studies.

Others, however, think students should not. They say making friends on line is a waste of time, which should be spent more meaningfully on study. Besides, some students, get cheated on line.

It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other, things. As for friendship, we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us.







犯错误Making Mistake

In people’s life, they will face many difficulties, most people can conquer those hard times and keep moving on. Making mistake is the difficulty that everyone will have to face, no one is perfect, how to treat the mistake is very important. Some people will choose to ignore their mistakes and tell lies, because they are afraid of being condemned. While some people will choose to face their mistakes and learn to fix the mistakes. I appreciate the latter people, they are honest and take the right attitude towards making mistakes. Making mistake is not horrible, people can learn from those mistakes and become mature, after all, it will take some price to grow up.


在人们的生活中,他们会面临很多困难,大部分人能够克服这些困难的时光,继续向前进。犯错误是每个人都会面临的困难,没有人是完美的,如何对待错误是很重要的。一些人会选择忽视他们的错误,然后 撒谎,因为他们害怕受到谴责。然而一些人选择面对他们的错误,学着去改正错误。我欣赏后者,他们诚实,正确面对犯错误。犯错误并不可怕,人们可以从这些错误中学习,变得成熟,毕竟,成长是需要代价的。


老实习生 Elder Intern

Last night, I watched an interesting movie. It is called Intern, which are played by the famous beautiful girl Anny Hathaway and an old but skilled man. The story tells about a retired man finds his own place again by being an intern in garment company. The old man helps his boss who is acted by Anny come back her family life again. Though the man is aged, his is really young in mind. He keeps studying the constant news and learn the newest technology. Unlike the people who are in the same age and have no idea about the Internet, this old man is full of passion and he lives the wonderful life. So age is not the excuse to stop moving on, it is never too old to learn. Everyone can choose the life they live, no matter how old they are.









