



A:Hi Cindy! How's it going recently?

B:Not good.I have some problem learning English.I am even wondering wether it is improtant to learn English or not.

A:Don't worry.I'll help you! English is a language which can be a useful tool for us to communicate with other foreigners. As is known to all,English has becone an official language in many countries.So, it does important to learn English!

B:I see.Could you please give me some advice on learning English?

A:Sure! I think some interesting ways of learning can be helpful. You can lern some essential words or phrases by watching English movies.Try it!What do you reckon?

B:Great!Thank you very much!


English are very authentic, I feel that my hearing has improved greatly, but also can learn many foreign news.

我是通过听英语C播来学习英语的,比如BBC或者其他正规的电台,电台的英语都很正宗,我感觉这种方法使我的听力有了极大的提高,同时还可以了解许多国外的新闻。 DThis method is really great, now it's just you, Haitian, just the way you are

这个方法真是太棒了,现在就剩你了,海A,你的方法是什么? Awell,Although my English is poor, but I know a good way to learn, and that is by watching movies to learn English, because I like to watch movies, I feel like in the movies to learn English is full of fun.


EDo you think what the film suitable for learning English?


AI think Friends, House and How I met your mother very good

我认为Friends 、House和 How I met your mother非常好

CIs? I must be free to have a look 是吗?我有空一定要看看

EIn fact,The way to learn English is to practice speaking it as often as possible.


DThat makes two of us,it is necessary to practice as much as possible, and the more you apply it in real situations, the more natural it will become




CListening and imitating should always go together.


BI hope you can find their own way, to learn English well.



Todd: OK, Kawabe! (Hai) Can you tell us about your English success story.

Kawabe: English success story (Yeah, yeah) It's not a success story but I can tell how I learned. OK, first of all, I don't think I learned English as a foreign, a foreign language because I loved to listen to music, especially rock n' roll when I was a teenage. So when you love music, you become, like you, you want to sing with it so you memorize the whole lyrics and you know stuff and, so to me it was like, just, you know, a hobby, it was just a fun purely. It was the pure fun for me so, I didn't think I studied.

Todd: Wow, that's great! So did you listen without reading the words, the lyrics, or did you just listen and read the lyrics at the same time?

Kawabe: Um, both! (Both) Both, yeah! Sometimes, I'd see words which I don't understand, so I look up the dictionary and you know check the meaning and, you know, the things was always like this.

Todd: Um, so did you do anything else besides music?

Kawabe: Ah, what else? Yeah, the movie! The movie! Like, yeah, I loved to, one of my favorite movies, the Blues Brothers, because you know, that movie is interesting, and first of all, that funny, you know the funniest movie and like a great comedy in the history I think and that movie was famous for it's music, right, you know, that movie's soundtrack is great, and I have the CD in my room. And then..

Todd: You have it in your room?

Kawabe: Yeah!

Todd: Really!

Kawabe: Yeah! I do and, so I saw that movie so many times. I don't remember how many times I saw that, and when you , you know, after the repetition, you know watching the same movies so many times you memorize a whole like words and sentence, what John Belushi was saying, what Dan Aykrod was saying, so it was a great study I think, for me!

Todd: Wow! That's a great..

Kawabe: But at that time I don't think that was studying you know!

Todd: Yeah, it was fun! So you enjoyed it!

