a night-mooring at wuchang
lu lun
far off in the clouds stand the walls of hanyang,
another day's journey for my lone sail....
though a river-merchant ought to sleep in this calm weather,
i listen to the tide at night and voices of the boatmen.
...my thin hair grows wintry, like the triple xiang streams,
three thousand miles my heart goes, homesick with the moon;
but the war has left me nothing of my heritage --
and oh, the pang of hearing these drums along the river!
云开远见汉阳城, 犹是孤帆一日程。
估客昼眠知浪静, 舟人夜语觉潮生。
三湘愁鬓逢秋色, 万里归心对月明。
旧业已随征战尽, 更堪江上鼓鼙声。
a climb on the mountain holiday
to the terrace whence one sees the magician
a poem sent to vice-prefect lu
cui shu
the han emperor wen bequeathed us this terrace
which i climb to watch the coming dawn.
cloudy peaks run northward in the three jin districts,
and rains are blowing westward through the two ling valleys.
...who knows but me about the guard at the gate,
or where the magician of the river bank is,
or how to find that magistrate, that poet,
who was as fond as i am of chrysanthemums and winecups?
汉文皇帝有高台, 此日登临曙色开。
三晋云山皆北向, 二陵风雨自东来。
关门令尹谁能识? 河上仙翁去不回,
且欲竟寻彭泽宰, 陶然共醉菊花杯。
passing through huayin
cui hao
lords of the capital, sharp, unearthly,
the great flower's three points pierce through heaven.
clouds are parting above the temple of the warring emperor,
rain dries on the mountain, on the giant's palm.
ranges and rivers are the strength of this western gate,
whence roads and trails lead downward into china.
...o pilgrim of fame, o seeker of profit,
why not remain here and lengthen your days?
岧峣太华俯咸京, 天外三峰削不成。
武帝祠前云欲散, 仙人掌上雨初晴。
河山北枕秦关险, 驿树西连汉畤平。
借问路傍名利客, 无如此处学长生。
to one unnamed
li shangyin
the stars of last night and the wind of last night
are west of the painted chamber and east of cinnamon hall.
...though i have for my body no wings like those of the bright- coloured phoenix,
yet i feel the harmonious heart-beat of the sacred unicorn.
across the spring-wine, while it warms me, i prompt you how to bet
where, group by group, we are throwing dice in the light of a crimson lamp;
till the rolling of a drum, alas, calls me to my duties
and i mount my horse and ride away, like a water-plant cut adrift.
昨夜星辰昨夜风, 画楼西畔桂堂东。
身无彩凤双飞翼, 心有灵犀一点通。
隔座送钩春酒暖, 分曹射覆蜡灯红。
嗟余听鼓应官去, 走马兰台类转蓬。
the yellow crane terrace
cui hao
where long ago a yellow crane bore a sage to heaven,
nothing is left now but the yellow crane terrace.
the yellow crane never revisited earth,
and white clouds are flying without him for ever.
...every tree in hanyang becomes clear in the water,
and parrot island is a nest of sweet grasses;
but i look toward home, and twilight grows dark
with a mist of grief on the river waves.
昔人已乘黄鹤去, 此地空余黄鹤楼。
黄鹤一去不复返, 白云千载空悠悠。
晴川历历汉阳树, 芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。
日暮乡关何处是? 烟波江上使人愁。