


英语寓言故事短篇1:The labourer and the snake

A labourer's little son was bitten by a snake and died of the wound.

The father was beside himself with grief, and in his anger against the snake the caught up an axe and went and stood close to the snake's hole, and watched for a chance of killing it.

Presently the snake come out, and the man aimed a blow at it, but only succeeded in cutting of the tip of its tail before itwriggled in again. He then tried to get it to come out a second time, pretending that he wished to make up the quarrel.

But the snake said, "I can never be your friend because of my lost tail, nor you mine because of your lost child."

Injuries are never forgotten in the presence of those who caused them.

英语寓言故事短篇2:The wolf and the horse

A wolf on his rambles came to a field of oats, but, but being able to eat them. He was passing on his way when a horse came along. "Look," said the Wolf, "here's fine field of oats.

For your sake I have left it untouched, and I shall greatly enjoy the sound of your teeth munching the ripe grain." But the horse replied, "If wolves could eat oats. my fine friend, you would hardly have indulged your ears at the cost of your belly."

There is no virtue in giving to others what is useless to oneself.

英语寓言故事短篇3:The two spells

There was once a boy in a village. When ever he asked people to do things, no onewould listen to him. He was sad. So he asked a wizard to solve the problem by using magic. The old wizard tried a lot of spells, but didn't work.

A young man heard about the problem. He went to the boy and said that he knew thesolution. He gave the boy two small pieces of paper.

"These are two spells, my boy. Use the first before you ask others to do something, and use the second when they have done it. A smile is also necessary, "the young man said.

The boy was happy and tried to use the spells. When he asked people to do something, he said "Please" before his words, and "Thank you" after they had done it. People were verysurprised that the boy could be polite. Soon, they became happy to do what the boy asked them to do.

The wizard was surprised, and asked the young man about the spells.

"It's not magic. When I was a child, my teacher told me that with good manners you could get anything you want. And he was right. The boy only needed good manners to get what he wanted."

