

黑色 基本上定义为没有任何可见光进入视觉范围,和白色正相反,白色是所有可见光光谱内的光都同时进入视觉范围内。那么,你知道黑色 的英文单词怎么写吗?







Tigers have orange fur with black stripes.


The black furnishings provide an interesting contrast to the white walls.


His black leather couch looks expensive.


The actress wore a black wig over her blond hair.



Ebony is a hard black wood.


After her husband died, she dressed in deep black for the rest of her life.


He was a big man in an old black suit and a black hat and coat.


He saw a black sprawling prison full of tiny black cells in which people live.


Acceptable are all shades of pepper and salt and dark iron gray to silver gray.

他穿着黑色 衣服。

He was dressed in black.

他在脸上画上了黑色 的条纹。

He streaked his face with black.

光线被黑色 表面吸收(而无反射)。

Light rays are absorbed by black surfaces.

那棵黑色 的树在黄色天空的衬托下显得轮廓分明。

The black tree was clearly defined against a yellow sky.

我在前面说过,这本书是以红色和黑色 为主的。

As I said before, black and red for this one.

还是这些黑色 文字?

Or these black letters?

啊,好”写下;“让我看看:一卷棉线,棉花,黑色 ,尺寸多少?”

Ah, I see. One reel of thread, cotton, black, what size?

据我理解,关于大自然中的黑色 ,我们看法完全一致。

As I understand it, we of course agree perfectly about black in nature.

它是黑色 皮革制品,而且上面还有我的姓名和住址。

It is made of black leather, with my name and address on it.

这一切都是黑色 的。

All this was black of hue.

没有任何争斗的迹象,只是在后门不远处落着一根黑色 羽毛。

There were no signs of violence, only a single black feather near the back door.

进去后第一间房像是一个厨房,并有着非常老的炉灶设施就是那种通过地板天花板的黑色 管子,这是它第一个象征,仿佛有一百来岁。

The first room looked like a kitchen, and it had one of those really old stoves, thekind that sits on the ground with a black pipe going through the ceiling.

如果蛋壳在火焰中变成黑色 ,那么死亡就不远了。

If the shell turns black in the flame, death is not far off.

如果你拥有一头金发,那么你就可以染从黑色 到红色,棕色,蓝色各种不同的颜色。

If you have blond hair you can go to almost any color from black to red to brownto blue

黑色 的西服是你的吗?

Is this black one yours?

然后,在一瞬间,月亮变成了黑色 。

Then, in an instant, the moon went black.

我的书包不是黑色 的而是红色的。

My bag is not black but red.

从工具箱中选择选取工具(黑色 箭头) ,然后在图中选择那个相对较小的圆和另一个精子头形状的物体。

Select the Selection Tool (black arrow) from the Toolbox and select the smallercircle and the other object that forms the shape of the sperm head.

例如,你可以穿一件黑色 的毛衣,然后穿过毛衣拉出一截白色的线,那样人们就很想要把它给拉掉。

For example, you could wear a black sweater and pull a piece of white threadthrough it, so that people try to pull it off.

第三件就该是黑色 的了——不是葬礼服,但是适合庄重场合。

Your third should be black – not for funerals, but for black tie affairs.

